Jane - trying a steriod re red blood cells

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I'll see what the vet thinks before deciding ... Jane really enjoyed cuddling in my lap eating her meds this morning and last night as well, sharing soy formula and baby cereal with Moses in my lap.
Took Jane along to the vet

We are going to try Jane on a steriod as that sometimes works well with dogs and cats who have this problem.
So hoping that Jane will respond and enjoy life a bit longer.

(The lumps under her chin haven't grown so they may be just scar tissue and not more tumours :) )

Jane, Matthew, Allie, and Moses in the carrier today




Jane and Moses
That's so good. I hope she continues to feel better.
I do know that with my son's cat, they wanted to put her on pred because she kept getting chin abscesses.
Anyone notice of pedipred can cause aggression in rats?
Jane will be 2 years old in Feb., was spayed as a young girl, has always had a very sweet laid back personality ....
but last night she reapetedly got into fights, and boxing matches with several of her cagemates
- both while in the cage and during free range time.

Any ideas?
Jane is on the max dose of pred to weaken her immune system because her immune system is destroying her red blood cells.
It seems to be working as Jane now has energry, is interested in things once again, and Jane is looking a bit less pale.

Oh, btw, Since she has started the pred, Jane has become a challenge to get to take meds.
This is a very big change in behaviour as she has always loved taking her meds.
I had a rat who became aggressive out of the blue. Vet said it was PT and sure enough Boss developed a very aggressive tumor. He was gone in a few days. Fingers crossed for Jane.
I didn't know that about Pred, very interesting.
Jane is looking worse tonight ... much more pale and puffy :(
But still enjoying running around and getting treats
I don't think the pred is making enough of a difference today ....
lilspaz68 said:
how is she this morning?

I just went out to check (I am ill and just getting morning meds ready now).
Jane is as light as air, and thin as a rail and I can feel her bones (down to 439g) but she came running to see me so she is still energetic.
Jane seems to have a bit of color in her ears but she is so pale it is hard to tell.
So, I am hoping for the best ...

I am off to mix up meds and administer them ... that takes about an hour at present as not as many ratties on multiple meds.
The vet examined Jane yesterday.
Her eyes now have more color (they were very pale & whitish), but her ears are still pale.
So Jane is doing a bit better but since may vet has been unable to find any info re treating rats with Jane's comdition, we have no idea if this will work well enough or what the prognosis is.
Using a steriod with dogs and cats having this problem works very well but ...

Jane's immune system is still destroying her red blood cells as seen re her urine as well as her pale feet and ears

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