Vet apt today ....
Jane's breathing is raspy and her ears, eyes and feet are very pale.
Her gums and tongue look fine.
She went into an oxygen tank with a couple of siblings but that didn't "pink her up" at all
It looks like her tumour is regrowing ... small lumps under her chin ....
but the lab results from the tumour are not back yet.
The vet didn't think ot was time to have Jane pts .... I am concerned re her quality of life as she isn't active, is very pale, has lost weight, has prophrin eyes, and is often puffy.
Jane is now on zithro + baytril + lasix
I am hoping that Jane will be able to enjoy what little time she has left ... :sad3:
Miriam (Jane's mama) is a bit better (on 4 heart meds + 2 antibiotics) the vet said her chest isn't as tight as it was
Tommy (Jane's brother) is sounding much better (on 2 heart meds + 2 antibiotics)
.... seem to be having a myco flareup and now have several rats on antibiotics :?