So i know its early, but I had some friends over today, and we were playing with the babies, and Ron seemed so excited to get out and see them, so I figured I'd hold him, and my friends could hold the babies and we could see how it went...
Well they all did great!!! I have never seen Ron more excited and happy. He was very good with the little guys, and clearly sending them "good vibes" because the babies were chasing him around, and they were all playing. After about 10 minutes they snuggled up together in a sweatshirt.

I put the babies back in their cage, and Ron back in his, and everyone had a good long nap. I'm gonna continue to take it slow, so Ron doesn't get overwhelmed, but I think these guys are just when Ron needs, and they are gonna be the best of friends.
Jo- In your post before you said " you see him get completely over top the baby" to remove him. There were a few times where ron would walk completely over a baby, and scent mark them. He never stopped and stood over them, he would always continue moving.... they seemed fine with this, and it didn't seem threating... and a few times the babies were ducking their head and running under him like it was a game. Also he was pushing the babies back legs up and smelling their bums... No one protested to this, and he was only smelling, so I let it happen figuring it was an alpha thing, or a rat greeting thing... am I right, or way off here.