I left a msg at 7:30 that I was coming back. When I got there, Dr. Munn came down and we looked at her and talked in the exam room. At first he wanted to up her buprenorphine, but after some discussion I got him to realize that she has excessive Pica behaviour on it, so we are going to use a more sedative injectable pain med (hydro-morphine?). Dr. Munn took her right back, was going to debride more of the tissues, close her up, freeze the location really really well, and attempt to make a ratty jacket to stop her from being able to reach the incision. then was going to observe her carefully all day long.
Btw the picture doesn't do it justice...it was like an anatomy lession under the skin. :emb:
I literally woke up, checked her, threw on clothes, threw her in the carrier (after taking and posting a pic LOL) with no coffee, and only the heart med rats got their meds.
Now I am gulping down coffee, with a wicked headache to boot from the storm about to roll in. Waiting for Terril to come in so I can run out and grab a bagel or something since I couldn't eat last night.