I'm looking for help on Zymbals Gland Tumors

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Actually what I saw was kind of milky greenish in color and I did not see white chalky stuff, nothing thick, so maybe the news is good. My initial description could be bad because I just don't have a visual to compare it to. I will try another pic but it may have to be tomorrow as he is all curled up under a towel in my lap currently. Is there something specific you want me to try and photograph?
Green mushiness usually means abscess but even white mushiness and white chunkiness can mean abscesses. But the smell should have floored you. I did deal with a couple of abscesses with no smell but it's very rare.
Sorry I keep giving you the worst case stuff (but still honestly hoping for the better), but tumors can abscess too. So do keep that in mind.

A lot of times with abscesses, they will start to look pretty pink/reddish and angry, right before they 'blow'. Do you notice that the lump has changed color at all?

Here's hoping your vet gets you and Tooey all set up with whatever you'll need to helping him feel much better soon.

.....then we can all start working you to get him a pal. :wink2:
Thank you Debbie. I know I have to remain realistic about this. I realize that it really could be ZG so I don't mind your comments. I know nothing so I really need all the help I can get. Unfortunately, I have not noticed any odor or any color change. When it was wet yesterday after the compresses, I could see the skin really well and it looked a normal color, no angry red. :( I am hoping to get into the vet sooner but Dr. Koenig is booked so they will call me if there is a cancelation. We are set up for Saturday morning right now. I know there are other vets I could see but, and maybe sooner, but she saw Tooey before and I just love her.

On a cool note, no matter what happens, I can take Tooey to work with me everyday so I will be starting that on sunday if all is well. I work usually 12 hour shifts on Sun thru Wed and then I stay home the other days to finish writing my thesis. I don't want to leave him alone right now for all that time so I'm very happy about this.

Was there something specific you wanted a picture of?
OK cool. Thank You Moon. I really appreciate everyone's input. Tooey is still cruising on normal as far as he's concerned. We're doing compresses and playing lots.
I'm so glad to hear he keeps doing well. :heart:

Do you notice that you are having any more luck with the compresses? If not, I wonder if it might be best to wait until his vet visit. I guess it's kind of a catch 22...if it's an abscess...you do want to get the gunk out...but if it's a tumor, you don't want to mess with it.

I forgot to mention when I shared Sadie's info with you, her lump started small and grew rapidly. Did Tooey's develop to it's size over a couple of weeks, or like literally overnight? Abscesses come up very very fast. Though the ZG tumors do too, it did take a couple of weeks for Sadie's to go from the size of a pea (a very hard pea) to the size of almost a grape.
Tooey's Lump was the size of a grape literally overnight. I haven't noticed much change with the compresses but I've only done a couple of them today so I would not bother it too much. There is however a wee bit of that same greenish stuff in the ear that I swabbed out.

Let me just tell you that Saturday morning can not get here soon enough :wallbang:
My vet didn't have any cancelations today so we are all set to go tomorrow morning. Is there any questions that anyone can think of that I need to ask my vet concerning Tooey's health, lump, etc. that hasn't been mentioned before?

I went out today and got all the soft foods you suggested Debbie so he's happily chowing away. It almost looks like the lump has grown a little further inward because the ear canal is a little more constricted now. He is still seemingly unaffected by this. Cuddly as ever.
Everything crossed for Tooey's visit tomorrow.

I think we covered quite a bit in this thread (and if you want to take our PM's to the vet too, incase they might help). And if you were able to pull a few articles from Ratguide.com that might help too.

Usually, when you see lumps pop literally overnight, that generally means abscess. Although the ZG's grow very very rapidly, you would have seen it coming over at least a week. But there still might be a chance you have an abscess growing on a ZG tumor. I mean, when you have a tumor of the face/ear like that, it's just a horrid breeding ground for infection.

I do hope your vet can get Tooey a good antibiotic like Cefa or Baytril, and Metacam at the least. But some Tramadol will help with pain too.

I was simply amazed at how well Sadie did. It was painful just looking at her face and ear canal...but she ate, played and snuggled all the way to the end. They are just the most amazing creatures. :heart:

Hang in there.....just one more sleep and hopefully, you'll have an answer.
As I prepare for our vet visit, between last night and this morning there seems to have been more drainage (green milky) and I swear the lump looks a little smaller. Off to the vet soon. I'll post when we get home. Thanks again everyone.
I have very high hopes this is just an abscess. :) Make sure that vet lances it and drains it out, then come back here and we'll tell you how to do the after-care to get it to heal :)

For regular abscesses I rarely use abs...I soak or do compresses when the abscess is ready. Then I use saline solution to flush it out. But for a facial abscess, esp. near the ear I start them on abs, and I might take them to the vet.

If your vet wants to determine if its an abscess, cyst or tumour, you can ask they perform an FNA (fine needle aspiration). They will insert a needle in the lump and try to see if they an remove anything. Pus or causeous material will mean abscess, and a solid lump will give you nothign at all).

Good luck with your delightful little man!
:happydance: It was an abscess! Before I even got to the vet he was draining and the lump was looking smaller. When I got to the vet, she gave it a little squeeze and it pooled right up in the ear. My vet shaved it, lanced it, and drained a HUGE amount of crap out of it. He is now on Baytril twice a day for a week and I have to keep the lanced cut open and continue draining. My vets only concern was with how well we'll get it to heal up because of the fact that it was a molar root abscess and she worries about the depth of it and the proximity to the eyes. So we'll take it one day at a time. Needless to say I am very relieved and Tooey was just a champ about the whole thing. When I discussed Baytril versus Cefadroxil, the vet wanted to stick with Baytril because of a lessened chance of severe diarrhea.

So I'm a little embarrassed to say that Tooey has gained a significant amount of weight in a very short time. The vet said my diet is good but I'm giving him way too much. I didn't realize that this was possible so if someone could let me know what kind of portions are appropriate I'd really appreciate it.

On a down note, I discussed how they handle pts a rat and I didn't like her answer. They use an intramuscular injection and then the heart stick and I'm not allowed to be there so I'm going to go in search of another vet. She's a very nice lady and all, but I need to be with my guys to the end, and after some advice, I'd rather the anesthesia be a gas of some sort first. I think I'm just glad that I don't have to go there now.

So I will take any advice you have on caring for my guy, his weight, and his abscess. I really want to thank you all for everything. Thank you seems so small compared to the amount of gratitude I have for everyone's help and support. I will post pics as soon as I can.
Much Thanks,
Kim & Tooey in Ohio :bunnydance:
I'm glad it wasn't a ZG tumor. But... if it was indeed a tooth abscess this may be a hard to treat. Hopefully the Baytril will do the trick but don't hesitate to go back to them if it continues to fill up. You might want to suggest Chlorpalm for a tooth abscess.
Thank you. I'm at school now and there is faster internet so I am finally getting to watch your videos. They're just wonderful! What was on that lid that House kept grabbing...that was really funny!
Kimby22 said:
Thank you. I'm at school now and there is faster internet so I am finally getting to watch your videos. They're just wonderful! What was on that lid that House kept grabbing...that was really funny!

Oh the Grabby Ratty...lol it was French Vanilla Cappuccino from Tim Hortons.

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