:happydance: It was an abscess! Before I even got to the vet he was draining and the lump was looking smaller. When I got to the vet, she gave it a little squeeze and it pooled right up in the ear. My vet shaved it, lanced it, and drained a HUGE amount of crap out of it. He is now on Baytril twice a day for a week and I have to keep the lanced cut open and continue draining. My vets only concern was with how well we'll get it to heal up because of the fact that it was a molar root abscess and she worries about the depth of it and the proximity to the eyes. So we'll take it one day at a time. Needless to say I am very relieved and Tooey was just a champ about the whole thing. When I discussed Baytril versus Cefadroxil, the vet wanted to stick with Baytril because of a lessened chance of severe diarrhea.
So I'm a little embarrassed to say that Tooey has gained a significant amount of weight in a very short time. The vet said my diet is good but I'm giving him way too much. I didn't realize that this was possible so if someone could let me know what kind of portions are appropriate I'd really appreciate it.
On a down note, I discussed how they handle pts a rat and I didn't like her answer. They use an intramuscular injection and then the heart stick and I'm not allowed to be there so I'm going to go in search of another vet. She's a very nice lady and all, but I need to be with my guys to the end, and after some advice, I'd rather the anesthesia be a gas of some sort first. I think I'm just glad that I don't have to go there now.
So I will take any advice you have on caring for my guy, his weight, and his abscess. I really want to thank you all for everything. Thank you seems so small compared to the amount of gratitude I have for everyone's help and support. I will post pics as soon as I can.
Much Thanks,
Kim & Tooey in Ohio :bunnydance: