Hoping someone can help - weight loss???

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Wow, sounds like you've had a hard time! It seems like you're over the hump though, and she's starting to get better. Hang in there! And yes, I agree; the nose knows!
crumbilina said:
The poor thing must be stressed out!
No doubt YOU are you poor thing! ah gee. I would take her with me to keep an eye on her nevermind the car ride. I'd take a buddy for her to if she has a mellow one she likes. You didn't mention if she was with others before or still is? I kept my January alone after surgery and she was impossible to stop going at her stitches, apparently alone outside her usual space was either stressful or boring enough to make her bug her stitches, when I put her back with her buds in their big space she didn't bother them anymore.
Hugs for what you're going thru. How do we handle this stuff? I think because measuring miniscule doses of meds twice a day means we have to stay right on adept and can't get buzzed when we have a sick kid, lol. Hope all is well with your girl.
Thanks everyone.

It looks like we are on the mend :)
She is not eating quite like normal, but she is eating so I can't complain.
I have still been giving her advil, but I have found a dosage that is good for her I think. One that isnt too much that she is completely wacked out of it but still doesn't bother her stitches, just enough to take the edge off. I didnt give her any last night, and it looks like she was fiddling with them, so I think I will give her a bit more this morning and then see about tonight.
She IS accepting Cheerios again so I am pretty happy about that too!

Fidget: She doesn't have any cagemates :( Her sister passed away early this year, and I tried intros with another adorable pair and she wouldnt do it. There were fights with blood and she got REALLY stressed out. So I gave up and she just spends most of her time with me. She seems really happy, so I won't change it now. She is too much of an old lady set in her ways :).

I am a bit stressed out ;) ... but I'm not the one with the giant hole in her side... OUCH! This was the other reason I was thinking that she may be picking - because I kinda have been missing in action recently due to the move and to cleaning. We had a nice long out time last night so I hope I kinda made up for it. Altho she did kinda ignore me for the first half hour ;) haha

I'll post updated pics later this afternoon - I found my camera :) It was under a pile of admin. papers for the university haha
Looks like we are FINALLY on the mend :)

She still has been picking a bit, you can tell by the stitches that are kinda.... falling out.
Heres the most recent pic:
It is kinda a bit gross. I flushed it this morning and it looks like it needs to be flushed a bit again which is no problem. I don't wanna do it too frequently cuz I want it to heal so I am limiting it to whenever I see little bits of cage yucks in it. She has an incredibly clean cage now tho.

Here she is all happy:

Thank goodness we are on the mend... I was so worried that I would see her digging right in there. Poor girlie. I can't imagine what others have gone through when they say that this one "isnt too bad" *shudders*. For me, it was bad enough! Poor girlie.
BUT we're doing well now. Should be interesting to see how it ends up healing...

Thanks everyone!
I hope she's alright, and some kids really are more human-oriented than rat-oriented. A once in a blue moon kid really does appreciate their human's company more than rattie company. I hope she is one of those then.
Fidget said:
I hope she's alright, and some kids really are more human-oriented than rat-oriented. A once in a blue moon kid really does appreciate their human's company more than rattie company. I hope she is one of those then.

She does seem like quite the people rat. OK not all people, just my boyfriend and I, and I think that she just tolerates him. It is so cute when she sits in my sweater and boggles for HOURS! When I am working she is out on my desk, when I am watching TV she is on the couch with me. I also have a little barbie comb that I rescued from my parents basement that I brush her with and she LOVES it. I hope she is happy. I see no depression symptoms so hopefully :)

This morning she is still well. There is still that little string that I am guessing is part of the stitches (you can see it in the picture above). Should I cut that off? I think that she has been fiddling with it, I just don't want her to pull it out... that could hurt. She hasn't had advil in a few days now and she seems to be leaving it alone, just some mild licky grooming. AND I think that she really likes our new place too. I don't think that she realized that she would have a room to herself (haha no more cats!). She bounces around the place like she is a year old (she is really 2 years and 2 months). I'm so happy she pulled through. :D
Maybe I could introduce her to the young girlies... See what happens. I wonder if she will react the same as she did in January. We shall see...
cut the stitch sticking out, its most likely the dissolvable stitch that didn't dissolve.

She may be more amenable to intro's with young'uns now that she feels young again :joy:
That's what I was thinking.

I think I'm getting a couple more girlies to add to my colony from Chelle... SO I think I may try and intro them all at the same time. It would be GREAT if she could have some cagemates. She can still spend the time with me, but when I'm not around she will have someone then...
crumbilina said:
That's what I was thinking.

I think I'm getting a couple more girlies to add to my colony from Chelle... SO I think I may try and intro them all at the same time. It would be GREAT if she could have some cagemates. She can still spend the time with me, but when I'm not around she will have someone then...

Oh that's awesome!!! :joy:
crumbilina said:
That's what I was thinking.

I think I'm getting a couple more girlies to add to my colony from Chelle... SO I think I may try and intro them all at the same time. It would be GREAT if she could have some cagemates. She can still spend the time with me, but when I'm not around she will have someone then...

Oh yay! Who are you thinking about? Venus and Helena are real sweeties, chubby and loveable. And they are older, so might get along with your girl better than youngins.
I let Chelle to choose who I should get. She chose my last 2 and they worked out great. Well, except Eve... I chose her :p But I had my eye on her for a few months before I got her.

It's far too hard to choose which 2 or 3 I should take... I just wanna take them all home :D

I trust her judgment and as long as the newcomers get along with the ratties I currently have - the rest can be worked upon.
And hopefully I will be able to have a larger colony like I wanted to from the beginning...

But Cocoa wouldn't allow it back in January... maybe she will now...

I hope that she isn't cold either.... all by herself... it is freezing in here, and I don't know where my microwave is to give her the heating unit I have (I can't for the life of me remember what it is called)

Maybe it is sweater time!

Snugglesafe? Is that what it is called?

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