Well-Known Member
Just so everyone knows, if I didn't care about them I wouldn't have brought 25 HELPLESS babie's home, and got up through the night (I love my sleep ok?) to feed them, and to make sure they were going to the bathroom. I do, very much, care about these rat's. They are my life and if I had my own place (I'm 17, what else can I do?) I'd totally be keeping them. They stole my heart as soon as I got them, even ask Amy. I paid her, to take one of my babies so he could live happy, with his cage mates. When he's old enough, he'll be getting fixed. Who paid for that neuter? I did, this 17 year old that only works 3 times a week. We have a PET ONLY TANK, and we DO NOT take them out to put in the FEEDER TANK when we're all out of feeders. My manager LOVES rats and knows where I'm coming from. So if you guys have a "problem" with a 17 year old girl, that saved 20 baby rat's, than suck it up. Because rat's are my favorite animal, and I know I spoil my girl's.