HELP! Aurora tore out her stitches!--Home again

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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2011
Long Island, New York
Okay, I know rats are notorious for this, but what do I do?! She had three dissolvable sutures, and last night I was checking on her CONSTANTLY because I was afraid she'd rip them out, but she was fine.. and then today I worried all day while I was at work, but upon arriving home she was still just fine. So I let the girls out for a while, and then when I went to put them back I saw Aurora cleaning the area, and didn't think anything of it, until I reached over to pet her and saw that she ripped out her stitches. It's bloody, but not too bad, and right now I have her tucked away in my sweater because I'm afraid to leave her alone because she scratches at it. She got out that last bit at the bottom and now it's completely open. Do I have to get it restitched? Is there anything I can do in the meantime if I do, or anything in general? Should I put her in a temp cage by herself?

She needs pain meds
... likely why she removed the stiches and if she is in pain, she probably will not leave the incision alone.
Lilspaz68 can give you info on over the counter pain meds you can give her.
KatTheHippie said:
The doctor didn't give me pain meds, and when I asked if she'd need them he said no, so I have nothing

You are going to need to go out and pick up Infant liquid Ibuprofen...rats will pick because of pain...Sigh, when will vets ever learn??? :(
KatTheHippie said:
Okay, so I just drove around town (I live in a very small town) And the pharmacy is closed, and the two other stores that WOULD have it, don't. Any other ideas?

did they have infant tylenol, anything for pain?
Hmmm...I would watch her and see if she's literally just trying to lick it right now. Instead of pulling out the stitches (which she's already done)...if you see her picking and pulling on the incision, you will have to do a wrap, but it would have to go behind the incision and hopefully just the pressure would stop her from bending.
Do you know anyone with small children that might have some meds on hand?

It will take longer to heal if left open, but it will still heal eventually. Make sure that she's on fleece tonight. You don't want any Carefresh or wood chips sticking to the wound.
Thankfully my girls are only on fleece. There's yesterdays news in the litter box, but I'm keeping her in a temporary cage next to my bed right now, with only fleece. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone nearby who has anything.. but my local drug store opens at 8 and you better believe I'll be standing there by 7:59. She's resting right now, I think I exhausted her.. but I'll keep checking on her throughout the night.. if she seems like she's picking at it, then I'll definitely wrap her up, thank you all so much for the help, it's been a stressful few hours.

Just for the morning for dosage, she weighs around 370 grams, how much should I give her?

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