Senior Member
I personally wouldn't wait til the January 3rd check up just in case it's an abscess and that way she can be started on abs. But I wouldn't recommend starting abs until your vet confirms whether or not it's an abscess.
smilez_n_hugs said:I personally wouldn't wait til the January 3rd check up just in case it's an abscess and that way she can be started on abs. But I wouldn't recommend starting abs until your vet confirms whether or not it's an abscess.
smilez_n_hugs said:Ohthen I guess I would try warm compresses to see if it comes to a head.
xxchelle said:I wouldn't give any meds until you've consulted a vet.
lilspaz68 said:The location is definitely one that is more seroma or hematoma-like. Do you know how they form Ratty Momma or do you want us to tell you?
lilspaz68 said:The wound looks scabby to me, but they always look not so nice days later. Its the turning point right is when it will start to really heal. When you get your dopey rat back aafter the surgery the incision looks pretty and clean. A few days later because they are moving and stretching, its been pulled open a bit, may look like its been bleeding etc. That's normal. As Jo taught me, just keep your nose in there. It should be fine in 6 days but if not take her in.