Hannah *Update on Implants*

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If I was adopting Hannah from you, I'd have her in my vet's office within a day, book surgery for spay and tumour removals. Age does not matter to me nor to my vet, all that matters is health. If the rat is in top health, we do everything possible to give her a longer lifespan and that means removing those nasty tumours and getting her spayed to prevent more.
I've had hundreds of rats spayed, neutered, removals and other surgeries at all ages... Vincent was 37 months old... he recovered beautifully and fast.
If you have a vet you can trust and is experienced, there's no reason not to do it. Sorry, I should also mention that if one can afford it. You can't put yourself in the hole or wipe out your vet fun either unless you are confident to be able to re-fill your vet fund.
Thanks for all the replies.

I should hear about the implants tomorrow ..at the latest Friday.

Just incase we can't do the implants, he booked her in for Tuesday for both removal and spay (so she would have a spot, and not have to wait till after Christmas).

She is healthy & happy, and my vet never hesitated at all.

I first seen the tumors Monday, I would have taken her down then, but my vet was not in, yesterday ..same thing ..today I was waiting on the door step at 9 am for them to open.
jorats said:
You can't put yourself in the hole or wipe out your vet fun either unless you are confident to be able to re-fill your vet fund.

I was going to edit my spelling mistake here and decided, naw, I'll leave it. It is the vet fun after all giving them all our money. :laugh4:
Oh yeah all that fun fun fun :laugh4:

I also have never lost any rats during surgeries. I have done tumor removal (and HUGE ones on old rats), spays, neuters, smaller amputation (tails and toes), 3 enucleations (surgical eye removal), etc. If you have a good vet, and a moderately healthy rat then go for it. Rats heal scary fast..a neuter incision can heal in about 4 days, a spay a little longer, tumour removals vary.
I never even noticed that Jo! haha

Only thing Im worried about is her being under to long, to remove 3 and do a spay .. i have no idea how long any of it takes as I have never had any of it done. I know neuters take no time.
I just got off the phone with my vet.
He has gotten information on the implants & where he can order them, but in order to be able to get them ..you need a permit ..which take a while to get ..too long in his opinion to wait for Hannah, he wants to get these 3 tumors removed as soon as possible ..because they popped up so fast ..we don't want anymore, etc.

So we will have the implants to try on future cases, but in Hannah's case we wont.

So She is going in for 3 tumor removals and a spay 9 a.m. Tuesday morning. My stomach is in knots just thinking about it ..please send my girl lot's of good luck :heart:
Just wanted to let everyone know, Hannah is still doing good, the tumors have not grown any!
Should I be watching natural sugars in veggies?

Broccolie/cauliflower/carrots/peas/peppers all have sugar in them :panic:
Thanks Jo!

Figured I'd share some recent pictures of my girl (they are also posted in another thread, but I figured people tracking this thread would like them too :)




Hannah & Oscar (they look soooo much alike ..but they are not related :giggle:)
Hannah is still making whistling sounds, only at times ..then it goes away ..I'v listened to her lungs, and it's not coming from their ..it's coming from her nose. She has no porph or sneezing.
When we took her to the vet last week, she never made the sounds, he listened to her and she sounded fine.
Dr. D. said before surgery he will check her again to make sure shes fine for surgery.

Should I worry about this for her surgery? these sounds have been off and on for months ..not getting any worse.

I have even listened to her with a stetchoscope myself

Am I just being paranoid?
It's good that the vet will listen again to be sure before doing surgery. No, you are not paranoid.... no wonder you are nervous after all the bad luck you have had. It will be so good when Tuesday is over! Hannah is looking good. :heart:
Awww, those pictures are adorable! Good luck on your surgeries! (That's the way I would go too.) We'll be sending positive vibes to your girl on Tuesday.
Thanks Jo!

So far her lungs are clear, only some nasal noise ..he will do the final check right before surgery just incase!

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