Loving rats since 2002.
If I was adopting Hannah from you, I'd have her in my vet's office within a day, book surgery for spay and tumour removals. Age does not matter to me nor to my vet, all that matters is health. If the rat is in top health, we do everything possible to give her a longer lifespan and that means removing those nasty tumours and getting her spayed to prevent more.
I've had hundreds of rats spayed, neutered, removals and other surgeries at all ages... Vincent was 37 months old... he recovered beautifully and fast.
If you have a vet you can trust and is experienced, there's no reason not to do it. Sorry, I should also mention that if one can afford it. You can't put yourself in the hole or wipe out your vet fun either unless you are confident to be able to re-fill your vet fund.
I've had hundreds of rats spayed, neutered, removals and other surgeries at all ages... Vincent was 37 months old... he recovered beautifully and fast.
If you have a vet you can trust and is experienced, there's no reason not to do it. Sorry, I should also mention that if one can afford it. You can't put yourself in the hole or wipe out your vet fun either unless you are confident to be able to re-fill your vet fund.