Bleeding from vagina - Ivy died tonight - Update July 18

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I'm sorry she didn't make it :(
Please don't beat yourself up about it. We always second guess ourselves. You did the best you could, gave her SQ fluids and everything that she wouldn't have gotten in a regular home. It just wasn't meant to be......
My heart goes out to you :hugs: I wish there was more I could do for you except offer my condolences and sympathy. Its SO hard to lose them, young or old, new or loved, expected or sudden. I hope your other furkids can help you find your peace, and that Ivy can find hers at the Bridge.
These things happen SQ. And you can't second guess yourself. She might have died under the anesthetic. We really don't know what was going on with her. I've lost several rats to hematuria and even those who were already spayed. You can't live with "what if". You have to believe that you did what you could. Ivy went on to her next journey because it was her time.
A narcropsy was done yesterday.
Ivy was in the process of aborting 4 partially formed babies .... one was in the birth canal.
The bleeding was coming from the babies, not Ivy, and the blood loss did not cause her death.

Ivy's ceacum was huge and impacted.
The vet suspects that this (and he suspects Ivy might possibly have had a related infection), is what caused Ivy to go into shock and die.
Edit: there was no way to know this :(
no idea what caused it ...
Please don't beat yourself up, this was none of your doing. You are an awesome person and you have done more than most. Rest gentle sweet Ivy :heart:

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