Badger is home, and full of energy!
I can pet him down! but when I got to pick him up, I can feel him getting tense I never went that far ..then I took out the gloves, but he hates them, he gets tense when he sees them. So for right now, I am allowed to pet and thats it ..I have no idea how I'm going to get a look at the vet work.
Took a few pictures of the much more happy man, only 5 hours after surgery
Cuddling in a corner cube that Jenniferkelly made for Ryder

(I sent this with his hospital cage today ..since his cage opens from the top, and the corner cube attaches to the sides ..and it has a nice big door, so it was easy for Dr. D. to get him out!
Oh, and no one got bitten, he was "a very good boy" ..go figure! :giggle: