Back from Dr Munn's - Tonka RIP :( Monkey did Fine :)

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Absolutely utterly beyond amazing - should be praised to the skies!

Even if his care of Plumeria didn't convince me, Tonk's surgery sure does!

My gosh, it's still astounding to think how much puss was drained out of her poor little body!

Give her lots of kisses and scritches for me, okay?
Tonka and Monkey were dropped off this morning for Tonk's followup, but I am sure Dr. Munn is going to be very pleased...I know I am!

BUT I also took in Pinn, who is likely to be pts. :sad3: She's older and failing, and had a bad turn on Saturday night, didn't respond well to treatment. So he is going to examine her and make the decision for me. I cannot believe Pinny has only been in my life for 5 months...feels like much longer :heart:
But there's always good news too. Dr. Munn is very happy with Tonka's progress, and tonight I let her and Monkey be with the rest of their cagemates again :joy:

Plus I picked up some Revolution, dosed the new boys, so soonish I will be able to pull out big Taltos for his first "session" :)
Not so good in my household right now...

I found a deep hard mass under Lady's sternum...she's cuddly and sweet now, and is starting to seriously lose weight. :( My poor feisty girl :sad3:

Tonka's lump is filling up again I think, its now ping pong ball-sized. I have emailed Dr Munn's clinic but they are closed until Monday (planned absence).

I am not sure what will be next but its getting bigger every day :(

BUT...there's always that dang silver lining.

My Cleo (6 tumours now) is happy, bright and still going...I have warned the clinic I will be coming in with her one day and she's gonna scare them, but that right now she is one happy little girly. I didn't want them to think me a rotten owner. They laughed at that :lol:

Wilbur is maintaining beautifully on the every 2nd day rescue shots :)
Valora is STILL going...she's coming up on 39 months!!! My oldest yet! :joy:
Lily responded beautifully to her rescue shots and will be on every 2nd day for her treatment...more yay!
I'm so sorry about Lady!

I think, since the abscess is sewn into the abdominal wall, it should be relatively easy to reopen and flush it out? I may be wrong, but if anyone on the planet can do it, Dr. Munn can.

Yay for Cleo and Lily!

And long live Wilbur and Valora!!!!
I missed this thread during my two weeks of almost continuous computer deprivation.

Very interesting about Tonka's surgery. I had never heard of marsupialization, and I hope that it continues to work well for Tonka. This will feel like a very long weekend for you, Shelagh.

My thoughts are with you and your ratties.
I got my email back on Sunday from Dr Munn's clinic and was told to drop off Tonka this morning.

Sadly there's nothing we can do. There's no way to lance the abscess and drain it because of the toothpaste consistency, the "hole" is all healed up too. So we watch and wait and possibly have to do the surgery again once things start getting pressed inside her body. This time we might try a hard drain to keep it open for draining, etc.

I am switching her off of oral zithro and metronidazole...since she's a bugger with oral meds. She's a master at holding them all in her mouth until she can wipe them off on the fleece. She can hold them in her mouth for 10 minutes at a time...I tried all my "getting rats to swallow" tricks but she is impervious. :p She is now being switched to injectable gentocin instead. Can't wait to see how she is with needles :doh:

We are now just trying to inhibit the growth of the abscess and waiting. I think Tonka and Monkey and I will be seeing Dr Munn often. :undecided:

BUT she's in fabulous spirits...I woke up to her running in the wheel for the first time is absolutely ages. :joy:



I remember once my vet telling me that Chlorpalm was the only med that could actually pass through abscess wall and start working on the infection. Maybe you could try that?
jorats said:
I remember once my vet telling me that Chlorpalm was the only med that could actually pass through abscess wall and start working on the infection. Maybe you could try that?

We discussed culturing etc...but he told me when the pus is that thick it has to be manually removed and abs just won't get through it. :(

I think at this point we are just trying to inhibit pus production...yummm.

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