Aw man I totally slept straight through the alarm for the 6am feeding. *wince* Luckily our survivor doesn't seem too mad at me. Fuzzy, who I am half-jokingly calling Sojask, (it means "found infant" in my made-up rat language that I made up for the book I wrote about rats) is doing great at least. She is surprisingly mibile all of a sudden. She's half-walking, half-scooting all over the table. 12 days old today. Her eyes should start opening within the next few days

And after that we might be able to try lapping some formula up from a dish. Very exciting stuff.
On a whim last night I cut a small chunk out of an old pillow case and put that over the tip of the syringe, so she'd have something to suck on, and she LOVES it. It's finally big enough for her to suck on, and it helps even out the flow so there's not so much drowning risk if the plunger misfires. Wish I'd done this sooner.
When I'm done feeding her the allotted amount she always trues to keep suckling my hand, her blanket, anything that comes close. Does that mean she's still hungry and I should keep feeding her? I'm filling the syringe double to accommodate lost food in the new delivery system (since some will invariably soak into the cloth never to be seen again) but I don't want to over-feed her. Is it even possible to over-feed her at this age? Or will she just stop sucking when she's not hungry anymore? Hrm.
Oh, and in other, disturbing news. I found a little blood on the tissue after her last poo. She was very fussy about being cleaned and squeaked every time I touched her there and it was deep red, fresh blood (not black gritty internal bleeding blood) so I'm going to guess she has a small cut or irritation around her anus. Hopefully it's that and not something serious....