Possible bad news. the smaller one somehow managed to crawl inside of the heating pad cover. I don't know if it got stuck somehow or if maybe it burned its foot or what, but one of its little hindfeet is kind of purplish and swollen and she's not using it now

she's crawling around just sort of dragging it. The forepaw on that side is kind of swollen and purply too. Aaarg. Double-wrapped the heating pad so that shouldn't happen again, but jeez that's so frustrating. Hopefully it goes away on its own, I'm really hoping it's just like a temporary swelling for lying on it or something, not burns or broken bones or something. They're so jellyfish-like right now it's hard to believe there ARE any bones in there.
Here's some pics. Sorry they're not better, but you can kind of see the discoloration/swelling. The limb is still mobile, she (I've somewhat arbitrarily decided they're girls. Will try to get up sexing shots later, they have the habit of curling their tails up to hide. modest?) was still thrashing it around and she *can* get it up under her to propel, but she's definitely favoring it:
(you can't see her back foot very well here but you can see her forepaw)
Another good look at that forepaw and a bit of the back one. Also some of the tip of her tail.
Best shot I could get of that back paw.
In better news, I managed to engineer an even easier milk-delivery system that makes it waaaaaay easier to do this single-handedly. Hopefully that makes it easier for David to do the daytime feedings when I go back to work.
*yawn* I really have to try to get some sleep but I don't want to leave them. Not like I'll be much good to her one way or another. Got to hope for the best....