accidental death

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New Member
Sep 22, 2013
today i accidently stepped on my rat. i was standing on my bed and i didnt see my rat sleeping under the blanket on the floor and i stepped on my rat as i was landing on the floor.

(Edited to hide details from view as they are graphic and may be upsetting for some)
[spoil:2v2b42wn]yes. i heard the crack and when i opened the blanket my rat wendy was coughing out the blood.
it really destroyed my day. im still shaking as im typing this. im writing this because of the guiltiness. I raised wendy free ranging all the time. she was exactly one year old.
she is still alive but it seems like she is bleeding inside and coughing out blood. her body is getting cold. it is a torment listening her breathing hard and coughing out blood.[/spoil:2v2b42wn]
she appears normal from outside but her inside must be done... she in the cage at the moment but very disoriented and probably won't last today.
honestly, i cant afford to pay the bill. basic examination on sunday is $200. i am sorry. i am overwhelmed by the guiltiness and anger toward myself.

I hand picked wendy from a breeder and trained her couple tricks. she was very shy and would only response to my call.
i cried for the first time in couple years. it is embarrassing for a 25 years old guy for crying for a rat... but she was my best friend and my favourite one.
i never have thought this is how she would go.
now i have to live with this guiltiness. i am really sorry for wendy.
So sorry that this happened. Every thing you are feeling is a normal reaction. When you are ready, let yourself forgive.

I am so very sorry. please give her pain meds if you have any.

One of my rats was overdosed on pain meds, forgiveness does eventually come. you are not alone here. keeping you and wendy in my thoughts.
You are not alone... many of us have had an accident causing death... it's a horrible feeling and the guilt is tremendous. I'm so sorry...
If she is bleeding internally, it will be a good peaceful death. :hugs:
i don;t have any pain medication. it appears that one of her lung is punctured by a broken rib or something. she is breathing very heavily.
she stopped bleeding from her nose. but i can hear an air going through her lung - i think. from what i observe she has no apparent damage outside so her ribcage must to be broken and injured her lung
if she survives tonight im going to take her to a vet and put her down. she looks like she is in too much pain.
i showed wendy to her cage mate snip and it really freaked her out. she has been hiding under my drawer.
you know, my world has been turning upside down and im going through an emotional roller coaster. i look outside and everything in the city is going as any other day.
it is really sad. other than wendy dying in her cage everything is going too normal and well. after all, she is just a rat - but was my rat baby. life is sometimes hard to deal with...
I am so, so sorry to read this. I can't imagine how you must feel. You've loved that rat and she knows it. It's not your fault. Sometimes accidents happen and there's nothing you can do about it. :(

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Oak, you need to get her to a vet ASAP- to put her to sleep. If not, then you must get some form of pain medication to give her. It's heartbreaking, I'm sorry this happened, but she is suffering terribly and it is your responsibility to do something about that. Please, borrow money from friends or a neighbor if you must to euthanize your baby ethically.
I'm sorry this happened to you and your girl, it was a terrible accident. But like Aida said, take her to a vet as quickly as possible to be humanely put down. She must be in a lot of pain.
If you can't make it to the vet tonight at least find a 24-hour Walgreens/CVS Pharmacy and get some painkiller for her...

Keep her warm (think heating pad/reptile light) and dark, no stress and no movement. Rats are tough animals; she may hold out longer than you'd expect. One of my co-workers accidentally crushed a mouse a few weeks back, and we all thought the mouse was done for. I gave her metacam, syringe fed her some Nutrical, and kept her warm with a heating pad and she pulled through. Her skull has healed all deformed and she can't lift her head up, but she's alive and eating/drinking/grooming on her own and even walks on her exercise wheel. I don't wanna get your hopes up, but at least do you best for her.

Someone here can post the rat dosage for infant painkiller.
:sad3: :sad3: So sorry, this is just painful to read. Its called as accident because that's what it is - its NOT an on purpose! Forgive yourself :sad3: :sad3:
So sh died at 430am. I put her on a heating pad and it looked like shhe was getting better but she tried to srink aome water and maybe it wastoo much. She started to bleed again and di[divbox=][/divbox]ed. Its realy sad how she crawled to me before she died. I thought I had a haert of iron. I'm crying like a lilttle girl now...
Horrible accidents do happen, and they are devastating, but they ARE accidents. It won't stop you from crying, or beating yourself up or even being astounded at how the world goes on around you when your heart is completely broken from the loss of one lovely little rat soul. WE understand that, and if you need our shoulders there are many on the forum who would loan you one. Rest in peace sweet little girl.

For myself I do a memorial as part of my grieving process...a post with pics that celebrates their life and specialness. Some people cannot do this as it hurts too much, and others (like me) find it cathartic.

I hope your heart heals soon...kisses to her friend.
thanks for heart warming replys. I was really devastated last night. I buried her in the forest nearby this morning.
After I buried her I got into an accident on a highway on my way to work. I got rear ended and hit the car in front of me which hit another car in front of him.... This is such a miserable start of a week... :wallbang:
I'm so sorry. I don't know what I'd do if this happened to me and one of my rats. I can't imagine how hard this is.

try to focus on your other rat(s) they may be grieving too, I bet they can help you to heal.
:heart: :sad3: RIP sweet girl :sad3: :heart: Sorry about your loss and crappy start to your week - thing can only get better and you have to believe that :cuddle:

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