accidental death

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How incredibly sad for both of you.
Having been the cause of a baby bunny's death when I was a child, I can tell you it will never leave you, but don't let it eat you up. We all have our regrets, but they are in the past and can't be changed. Let her death mean something by teaching you how to prevent the same thing from happening in the future. Take comfort in, and give comfort to her cagemate, who right now is very scared and lonely. I hope you get another buddy for her if she is alone.
I am so very sorry for you both. I've lost one of my own who was very young due to a misjudgement and a horrible accident. I was home at the time while mine suffocated in a toy with only one opening and fleece that had blocked the opening. It stays with me to this day that I was here, and my little one died from something so avoidable while I was just in the other room. I understand that accidents to happen, and ones that result in the death of a loved one are the absolute worst, but they are still accidents. Hindsight will kick us for them over and over, and they will stay with us, but eventually you do start to remember the good times again. It helps when you can remember those good times, and realize that the horribly bad moment was just one moment in their life, and that you also shared good times with them before that happened.

I'm so very sorry that you had to go through this as well. It's happened to far too many of us, and my heart goes out to you. :heart:
today i accidently stepped on my rat. i was standing on my bed and i didnt see my rat sleeping under the blanket on the floor and i stepped on my rat as i was landing on the floor.

(Edited to hide details from view as they are graphic and may be upsetting for some)
[spoil:2v2b42wn]yes. i heard the crack and when i opened the blanket my rat wendy was coughing out the blood.
it really destroyed my day. im still shaking as im typing this. im writing this because of the guiltiness. I raised wendy free ranging all the time. she was exactly one year old.
she is still alive but it seems like she is bleeding inside and coughing out blood. her body is getting cold. it is a torment listening her breathing hard and coughing out blood.[/spoil:2v2b42wn]
she appears normal from outside but her inside must be done... she in the cage at the moment but very disoriented and probably won't last today.
honestly, i cant afford to pay the bill. basic examination on sunday is $200. i am sorry. i am overwhelmed by the guiltiness and anger toward myself.

I hand picked wendy from a breeder and trained her couple tricks. she was very shy and would only response to my call.
i cried for the first time in couple years. it is embarrassing for a 25 years old guy for crying for a rat... but she was my best friend and my favourite one.
i never have thought this is how she would go.
now i have to live with this guiltiness. i am really sorry for wendy.
my rat is passing in the same exact way. he’s currently being taken to be put down because he’s having internal bleeding. sobbing as i’m writing this and posts like these are helping me in not to blame myself too hard. even though he could have lived longer.
Accidents happen. Our sweet boy Kit-Kat died after a fall, from back injury and possible other internal injuries. We still miss him very much.
Hi! Don't eat yourself, accidents happen. I was a teen when I accidentally stepped on my parrot named Elvis. I have a bad vision and was without glasses , I stepped from bed and somehow he was sitting on the carpet which he never did, and I stepped on him, he died in my boyfriend's hands instantly. It happened 25 years ago, but I never forgot it, never stopped living with guilt. But honestly, not me, not you didn't want it to happen. We loved our pets. It was just the bad accidents...Just take it and live on. I guarantee, you ll remember this lesson forever and will be much more careful, as I am now❤❤❤💔

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