Abby Had Babies, I Need Some Help

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Got an answer...after I copy it I will let you know which one I think would be best...

you do not have much options since there is such a time crunch.

You can try scenting ALL the babies with vanilla so mom will have trouble trying to figure out who is who but there are risks with that.

You could take mom out for a little while and let the little boy in with the other babies so their smell and the smell of the nest gets on him - then add mom back in.

Maybe put something yummy that mom can clean off the baby? Can also marked ALL the babies with this something yummy to lick off - again, could be risky.

there really isnt any rules in this type of situation, you will just have to do what you feel that would give the best result.

I personally like the idea of removing Mom, putting the wee one in with her crew, and letting them combine scents, then let mom back in. For me this seems safest and fastest.
More info/suggestions from my friends...

Be sure to rub the baby with the nesting material the litter is on so that he has the general scent all over him.

Ditto what the others said! It becomes more difficult when there's an age difference between babies. 2 days compared to 7 days is hopefully not enough of a difference to matter, but it can be hard to tell. Many rat mothers are very maternal and will accept foster babies, but again this can vary and be hard to tell until you try it.

A couple years ago I had two litters born. One litter was a healthy litter of 13 and all 13 lived. The second was a litter of 8, but only 2 were born alive. Out of those 2, one died the first night. The last one survived, but after a day or two mom's milk started drying up and the baby was going hungry. Despite the risks, I stuck him in the nest with other mother's babies while she was out playing. When she got back she sniffed her babies over ("counted" them), cleaned them up, and went on to nursing like all was normal. Not every time is going to work so beautifully, but with babies this young, there's not a whole lot that can be done. Sad

And many wishes of Good Luck!
Hand off is complete!! Eagle and her friend Erin met me at a rest stop outside of Waubansee, and I handed little tiny Bean over. Oh, the difference between tiny little Bean and Lizzie's babies was kind of shocking! But they are only a week; just nice big babies.They're all so big and chunky, and he's just a little squirt! Lizzie (mama rat) was a big girl, very beautiful. And like I said, all her bubs were just so chubby and so healthy looking. I'm hoping she takes to him.

We did a combo of the "leave him in there with the others" method and the vanilla method. I'll let Eagle say what exactly happened with that, because as of yet I'm not sure how it went. Hopefully with all those other chubbies she doesn't even notice little ol' Bean!

Thank you thank you thank you, Eagle and Erin both, for coming down and taking on little Bean!! He deserves so much... And I am so happy for Lizzie and her bubbies!! They got out of that awful place and are with someone who will take care of them and love them, and with no danger of becoming snake food! *huge huge huge hugs*

Everyone keep Bean, Lizzie, and all her bubs in your thoughts, just like you guys have been. I do believe it's helped little Bean immensely... And me too! *gargantuan, pick-you-up-off-the-floor-hugs*

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