Hand off is complete!! Eagle and her friend Erin met me at a rest stop outside of Waubansee, and I handed little tiny Bean over. Oh, the difference between tiny little Bean and Lizzie's babies was kind of shocking! But they are only a week; just nice big babies.They're all so big and chunky, and he's just a little squirt! Lizzie (mama rat) was a big girl, very beautiful. And like I said, all her bubs were just so chubby and so healthy looking. I'm hoping she takes to him.
We did a combo of the "leave him in there with the others" method and the vanilla method. I'll let Eagle say what exactly happened with that, because as of yet I'm not sure how it went. Hopefully with all those other chubbies she doesn't even notice little ol' Bean!
Thank you thank you thank you, Eagle and Erin both, for coming down and taking on little Bean!! He deserves so much... And I am so happy for Lizzie and her bubbies!! They got out of that awful place and are with someone who will take care of them and love them, and with no danger of becoming snake food! *huge huge huge hugs*
Everyone keep Bean, Lizzie, and all her bubs in your thoughts, just like you guys have been. I do believe it's helped little Bean immensely... And me too! *gargantuan, pick-you-up-off-the-floor-hugs*