Abby Had Babies, I Need Some Help

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Oh man... Have you tried putting Bean back with mom? Maybe a warm body might "wake" her up. Try hold her and putting baby at her nipples, if he suckles it might make her feel maternal?
Abby's blindness must be preventing her from looking after the bubs. May explain why she left them and didn't clean them. Poor little Jelly & Bean. I see why you feel so sad about this. I do hope Bean pulls through.
I hope the Bean will live to see
All that the Bean can receive & be
Making you laugh, and laughing with you
Making a pair out of what once were two.
The joys & the trials of climbing and falling
Hyper popcorning and lazy-time lolling
Finding that warmth's not just being in the pile
It's a thing in your heart when your human mom smiles.
I hope he survives and that he can live
To discover just how much he has to give
When he's grateful for all that you give & do
I wish him long life to give back to you.
Jelly & Bean would still have had birth
But maybe not knowing love here on earth
I'm sorry that Jelly had to depart
But she knows she was loved, she's still in your heart
And Bean hasn't Been, he has that yet to do
He still is What Can Be, not What's Been - cause of you.

Rooting for Bean :cheer:
Wow. Oh Cait. There's nothing I can say that hasn't been said but it's really, really wonderful that you've done what you already have, that you tried at all. As you're well aware, the odds of survival decrease the younger the babies are so the fact that he's still alive deserves a huge pat on the back for you. The lack of colostrum is a huge problem. If it were me, I'd make getting my hands on that stuff a number one priority because that little guy won't do well without it, if rats can even survive without it that is. You can order it online though I don't know how fast it can get to you. ... b0d0204ae5
Aw Cait this is terrible, I have so much faith in you, you are doing the best you can. :hugs: I'm thinking of you and Bean.
Cait I am trying desperately to rescue a dumbo in Leavenworth who just had a litter last week. I have pm'ed you with my cell phone number. Hopefully the rescue wagon is on the way. Hang in there. I am so sorry you are going through this, life is not fair to the wee ones. I will not have internet access once I leave work at 7am so feel free to call if you want and I can keep you posted on whether I get the momma or not.
lilspaz68 said:
Mischa/eagle I hope you get the momma and babies out of there for their own sakes, and maybe they can help little Bean man too :D
That would be so great! SO GREAT!

Cait - You're doing an awesome job! Have you any idea how fabulous it is that he's still alive?!? YOU DID THAT! Hopefully eagle can get that poor little girl out of the hell she's been living and it'll be a win win situation all around! :woohoonaner:
Oh that would be so wonderful if eagle was able to get that mama to be a surrogate for Bean. *fingers crossed*
Oh god I have tears in my eyes thinking that there is a possible surrogate!!! I really hope that pans out for everyone, I can't even think of a coherent response except thank all that is good!!!! It's like a little glimmer of hope!

I'll have my fingers crossed, just say the word and I'm up to Kansas City in a flash, day or night.

Fidget... Thank you so much for that poem. I'm going to print it out so I can read it whenever I'm feeling in a rough spot with him.

Bron, I know they sell puppy colostrum here, at one of these petstores or I think I've actually seen it at Wal Mart... Would that work for Bean? Better than none, right? He's on human formula, going to be dog colostrum; what part of him is rat? Ha ha.

Bean did really well today, poo'd and pee'd a lot, and he's been eating well. I found a catheter tube in a kit deal for my sister's insulin pump (I JUST thought of that, I'm such a loser) and he will go to town on that tube. The only downside is that it's just so little, and right when he gets in the swing of it I have to refill the tube. By mouth, which, by the way, human baby formula is DISGUSTING. Now we're trying a fuel line tube attatched to a syringe; I melted the end he gets down to a small enough opening he can grab it and suck with no problems. That seems to be doing the job for now.
I definitely won't pretend to know a lot on the subject but if puppy colostrum will get to you faster I'd go for it! Bovine and rat are supposed to be the most nutritious but let's not be picky, lol. I've been reading numerous journal articles on studies done on mice and rats and the conclusion is they really, really need it. A nursing mother would be great but to be really helpful it needs to be a mother who's given birth in the last 24 hours ideally, 48 even. I'm not saying you should turn down a mother that pops up (hoping one will!) but it seems there are too many things to list that are included in that colostrum, and mice that went without developed poorly and got nasty skin lesions and many didn't make it despite having a foster mother.

I hate sounding so negative but I want to make sure the facts are known, just to keep it in the back of your mind so that if something goes wrong you don't blame yourself. It's a terribly difficult situation and you're doing such an incredible job with such dedication, it's truly admirable. :cuddle:
Good news Cait, I am on my way to Leavenworth to pick up momma and babies. Will call you soon. Maybe we can meet somewhere. Rescue wagon is on the way.
OMG YES!! YES!!!! *cries* I have my phone on me, just ring me, and me and Bean will be wherever you need us to be!!
Eagle has left and is on her way to get the mama right now! She'll call when she is done there, then we'll meet up! I keep telling Bean just to hang in there!! *more crying*

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