First we have a very subdued Linnea. For once.
and Doosers (Zeus). He is different, but how could you not be changed by something like that! I do think there was some damage from the infection but he's still a sweetie just seems unfocussed now. He also has mannerisms that seem to be after-effects as well. An off and on tilt, a strange impromptu twist up and over his shoulder, and other things that I will likely discover over the next few days.
But overall he's fantastic!! He's lost weight, he's only 309 grams now so I was send home with the Emeraid food to give him twice a day. He gets .1 cc of doxy twice a day, .36 cc of chlorpalm twice a day, .05 cc's of dexamethasone once a day for 3 days, then every other day for 3 more doses. Also he gets 10 cc's of fluids morning and night. He was soooo good about it when I did all his night doses and his sub-q injections.
Zeus is glad to be home
He's sooo thin now, but look at how bright those eyes are!
Here's the funny twist he does
No matter how sick you feel, there's always room for peach puffs LOL
Very happy to see me, I sat on the floor in front of the chair, and he cuddled up to my hand and bruxxed and boggled. Gosh I missed this little guy!!