Ya for instance my boy Gizmo will always be alpha over the boys, but I'm starting to suspect he is no longer alpha of the cage anymore...
Overview: My girls, Zera and Lyra, they are offically over 6months of age, Lyra is defiently in heat but she doesn't even try to mount the boys, she just jumps on them and teases them, as if to say "Come get me big boys!" :giggle: my boys are probably saying to her "Get off you silly little girl, we are too old for you and shirvled up down there! :emb: " Where as Zera on the other hand... she mounts, and she only mounts one male, and that's Gizmo...
Zera has been mounting Gizmo almost daily, while merely tackling and rough playing with the other boys. I've never seen her mount the other boys, only Gizmo, in cage and out, she goes to town on him and he merely squeaks and takes it lol. Is this a sign that my alpha boy Gizmo is no longer alpha?