Wtfreak?!?! - trying Intros (added pics)

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Yeah I'm trying to become part of a foster care for my local rat rescue I know I can't do a true quarantine do to I already have rats but I am going to be working with rats to socializing so they can fine homes I'm hoping to find a female with the rescue so I can added another one to the group I'm really hoping to get two so Dixie isn't the only female and I really enjoy females :) I didn't realize how great female rats were until Dixie
Glad things are working out so well! Maybe I need a female :cheeky: (baker's dozen) Before you know it you may have a 12 pack :D
dspch911 said:
Glad things are working out so well! Maybe I need a female :cheeky: (baker's dozen) Before you know it you may have a 12 pack :D
Lol I must say its true I'm addicted I almost tried for this girl Tilly she was suppose to have an Espay since she was housed with males before little paws rat rescue got her but she started to look like she was about to pop any day now so they didn't want to chance it or was too late I kinda want to foster her and her babies since I think raising a litter would be soooo much fun but couldn't dare keep all of them who knows my paperwork is almost done being processed :wink:
And OMG I'm so excited about getting a DCN I been buying a bunch of fleece and trying my hand at making hammocks got alittle sewing machine and they aren't turning out half bad I will have to post pictures later tho I am worried at about Bobo since his neuter he has gotten I guess overly lazy? He won't play at all he is still eating and drink but when I pull him out for play time he just lays under the bookshelf he doesn't run or play at all but he isn't showing any signs of being sick, is that normal for a neuter? He moves through out the cage to cuddle with the others he just seems so nonactive :stickpoke: could it be depression? I think Marco has taken charge as alpha even though sadly he is definitely not the brightest of the bunch in fact he is definitely more brawn then brains as far as rats go. But even though Bobo could easily be alpha and would make a much better on he isn't doing a thing about Marco dominating him he just kinda rolls over for him :(
All my boys still have their "rathood", but my 5 older boys are lazy slugs - always have been. Curley is the only one that really wants to walk around/slightly run when they have out time, but they are being a bit more active since they have out time with the little guys now even though the big ones will still try to hide and just avoid active!!! I'd love to have tiny babies, but I'd keep them all :heart: :heart:
Can you check Bobo's privates? Look for a neuter abscess. His lack of energy is not normal. He should be back to normal now.
Unless, he could be sulking because Marco has taken over as alpha.
Yeah I checked his balls it's all healed up and closed I even touch and added alittle pressure see if it felt weird or if it caused him pain and neither are the case even where he got bite is mostly healed. He isn't puffy at all his breathing is fine and I watched them at feeding time last night where I add a couple of veggies and sometimes a fruit and he was chowing down in the food bowls just like the rest of em though he did steal food out of Marcos hands but them Marco just turned around and started humping him Bobo just sat there and waited until Marco was done harassing him and picked up the broccoli and carried on with eating. Just because Bobo was neutered does that mean he won't be alpha? So he isn't showing signs of being sick at all. But he is extremely EXTREMELY mellow is there a way I can encourage him to be more active or if its just sulking will it pass? He use to chase the cat toy around for exercise with me now he won't even raise a head to it or sniff it he just turns his rump towards me and goes back to sleep :thud:
I'd give him a bit more time. A neuter doesn't necessarily stop a rat from being alpha. So if he wants the position he will go for it.
Ya for instance my boy Gizmo will always be alpha over the boys, but I'm starting to suspect he is no longer alpha of the cage anymore...

Overview: My girls, Zera and Lyra, they are offically over 6months of age, Lyra is defiently in heat but she doesn't even try to mount the boys, she just jumps on them and teases them, as if to say "Come get me big boys!" :giggle: my boys are probably saying to her "Get off you silly little girl, we are too old for you and shirvled up down there! :emb: " Where as Zera on the other hand... she mounts, and she only mounts one male, and that's Gizmo...

Zera has been mounting Gizmo almost daily, while merely tackling and rough playing with the other boys. I've never seen her mount the other boys, only Gizmo, in cage and out, she goes to town on him and he merely squeaks and takes it lol. Is this a sign that my alpha boy Gizmo is no longer alpha?
Hmm can a female be alpha? Because Marco does that same thing to Bobo and Bobo reacts the same way but they are both males, Marco also humps every one else as well so idk lol but Marco definitely does Bobo more often its a constant unless they are sleeping and cuddling
I've always found girls to rule the roost. Not necessarily be alpha, but they are very well respected in the cage.
But when you consider a cage of all females, they can definitely be alpha. I have yet to encounter a female alpha with males mixed in but that doesn't mean it can't happen. I'm sure it has at some point.
So maybe my Gizmo is still alpha then? And Zera is just pushing him around to let him know who the alpha 'female' is? :giggle:
Good news Bobo has finally gotten out of his funk or finally got tired of Marco being alil butt and chased Marco and pinned him and force groomed him really good last night and Ziggy won't stop submissing to Bobo now and grooming him while they sleep, they are still cuddling and all sleeping together so I guess this means Bobo claimed the alpha rank again. I noticed he is being a lot more active since then so maybe he was just sulking. Ziggy has fallin in love with big daddy Bobo too he follows him everywhere and copies everything he does. Dixie rarely cuddles with the boys I catch her once in a while but they give her so much attention she just needs a lot of space from them sometimes.

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