Virgo has a tumor. Update: stitch pulling/abscess?

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So we are now almost 6 days post-op, and I have noticed a bit of swelling the past few days, with no obvious smell of infection. I was hoping it was just swelling that hadn't gone down yet. No such luck, I noticed some green staining on her fur, and upon sniffing and squeezing a little, a pea sized amount of bright green pus came out! After that little bit, it started to bleed, so I stopped and gave her a warm compress, which she was pretty good for. No more pus came out, but there is two distinct small holes at the base of her incision site. It looks like she pulled a stitch or it came out in the process of the popping abcess/grooming/her squirming while I was fiddling with it/etc.

Here is a pic I managed to take before she started freaking out.

My concerns are that there are more pockets of pus in there somewhere, and that the open holes will create more abscesses or problems. She has also been a bit crackly lately, which also can be worrisome. This happens with her occasionally, and it always go away in a day or two, but with everything else going on, it makes me wonder...

Any suggestions on what I should do, besides do warm compresses 2-3 times a day? Any help will be appreciated!
The open holes will let the abscess drain, which is what it needs to do, to heal from the inside. You will want to do warm compresses and flushes, which should keep the scab from coming out and bring out the infection. I use epsom salt prepared per the containers directions.

You may want to call your vet and see if they will give antibiotics.

Just for future reference, don't ever squeeze abscesses, you can push the infection into the bloodstream.

What do you mean by crackly? She has wheezy breathing? Sometimes when they are stressed or have other illnesses they can get flair ups.
The crackles subsided not long after she went back in the cage and chilled out for a bit. Baby cereal and ensure helped with that, of course.

I will call Dr. G in the morning and get his opinion on the abscess/holes
She also may have had a reaction to the suture material and her body created a teeny abscess around it. If it doesn't smell infected you should be okay Just keep doing what you are doing, and if there's any change at all (for the worse, including smell) take her back to the vet.

My 2 boys who were neutered came home crackling but it cleared by the next day. They went on preventative abs anyways, so its always a consideration. She's an older girl and might need the antibiotic help.
I also agree the holes are a good thing. They are letting the pus out, instead of it accumulating inside her body. Also that it could be a sterile abscess as a reaction to the suture material (boys get it with neuters a lot.) If it's not super stinky then that's a good thing. Possible antibiotics - see what the vet recommends.

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