Vet fund

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In your heart you know what's right to do (no I am not trying to make you feel bad I am just saying you know your circumstances so only you can make the decision).
Sorry, but I am really not sure what you mean there. :huh: I'm still thinking about what to do, so nope; I don't know what is right. My family is telling me that it will be fine and that what I plan on doing is responsible and the best thing within my means, while many of you are telling me that I shouldn't get rats yet. Well, implying at the least.

Thank you though.

I think people are only trying to describe their experiences with what they have gone through. Not saying you don't know at all, but just trying to help.
I'm sure that's what at least some of their intentions were. But I still feel as though people were trying to give me some sort of reality check riddled with wisdom. I'm living in reality, thanks. Lol.

Obviously you have thought long and hard, and as you said you obviously have money saved up... that's none of our business what you have.
Thank you. :bow:

Yes, I did ask, and yes I did get answers... I just wasn't expecting... what I got, I guess. I'm sorry, but I'm not as strong as a lot of you guys must be. :wink:

By the way everyone, I'm leaning towards still getting my rats. I hope none of you will think any less of me, that would be horrible, but I honestly do not think that I will need serious vet care for a while. It's just an opinion and not a fact... but it's my opinion, and they will be my rats. Maybe I'm an awful person, I don't know! But I've seen people getting rats without even considering vet care. As I've said before, I deserve at least some credit.

I think I'll have enough time to save up money for anything grave that may happen as I will be getting these boys very young and they will be very healthy (or I wouldn't be getting them! LOL), and I will probably be receiving some help from my mum if I ever need it. I actually just asked her about it and she said that she would never ever leave an animal to suffer. She would take it to the vets and worry about the money later. Our vet will let us pay it off, and we could get a loan from a friend or family member. When I get my rats they will never have to suffer with being sick at all, I assure you all. I just wont'always have the money right there and then for them. Even though I will try. :) That's all I was worried about. But it turned into something... slightly bigger. That's probably my fault and I'm sorry. I do appreciate all of your help.

I'm attached to these rats already, and although I'm not the wealthiest pet owner, I'm not in over my head. They will have a good life with me.

Thank you all for everything. It was good to vent, and it was... rather good to get some advice. I appreciate it very much if anything. Maybe someone could lock this thread if they feel it's appropriate since I don't need any more help, and... I don't want any arguments or anything to start. I doubt they would. But eh. *Shrugs* Basically I don't need or want this discussion to continue. Lol.
Did so not want to say you are stupid, because you are finding out before getting your animals, the 10$ is what I got from what you write (but I know I sometimes don't understand everything), I just don't want you to experience what too many people around here do, having some rat pts because they can't afford treatment, but if you can find treatment, then there'll be no problem (just didn't get that from what you write, but please forgive me I'm struggling with English).
Personally I was stupid, so I was surprised that 4 rats in 3 months cost SO much more than my dogs ever did :wink:
Bati said:
Did so not want to say you are stupid, because you are finding out before getting your animals, the 10$ is what I got from what you write (but I know I sometimes don't understand everything), I just don't want you to experience what too many people around here do, having some rat pts because they can't afford treatment, but if you can find treatment, then there'll be no problem (just didn't get that from what you write, but please forgive me I'm struggling with English).
Personally I was stupid, so I was surprised that 4 rats in 3 months cost SO much more than my dogs ever did :wink:
That's totally fine, Bati. I'm so sorry for getting a bit mad at you. As I've said, most of this is just me overreacting. It's my fault. I understand where you were/are coming from.

And your English is great. :wink:
la maree haute, a forum is a place for discussion. You can't ask a question and then tell everyone, ok, I'm done, I don't need anymore replies.
On top of that, lots of replies go off into a rambling more like thinking out loud. Then as one talks about their vet charges, more will add in. It's got nothing to do with scaring you or trying to prove you wrong, it's got a lot to do of just joining in a discussion.
jorats said:
la maree haute, a forum is a place for discussion. You can't ask a question and then tell everyone, ok, I'm done, I don't need anymore replies.
On top of that, lots of replies go off into a rambling more like thinking out loud. Then as one talks about their vet charges, more will add in. It's got nothing to do with scaring you or trying to prove you wrong, it's got a lot to do of just joining in a discussion.
OK then. I'll re-word it.

I don't want to be a part of this discussion anymore. Feel free to carry on. I'm entitled to not feel like discussing it anymore though.

I asked, yes I did. But I received as much info and etc that I was looking for. And I just didn't like the way things were going after that. Sorry, that's just me.
Many of us don't always like the replies we get when we ask. But keep in mind those that do reply, are experienced, responsible rat owners which is probably why you asked us in the first place. :wink:

We certainly don't sugarcoat here. :D
jorats said:
Many of us don't always like the replies we get when we ask. But keep in mind those that do reply, are experienced, responsible rat owners which is probably why you asked us in the first place. :wink:

We certainly don't sugarcoat here. :D
Yup, you've hit the nail on the head. :D

All that really happened was me not being so happy with the replies, as I said. I'm extremely sensitive. I don't blame anyone but myself.
You have every right to not want to read any further responses on this thread. That is your choice, and you're free to make it. That does not mean you need to go off on the members who have replied, trying to answer a question that you're not getting the answers you want to. Everyone has been very polite, trying to give you an idea of what they had to go through during the times when they were in a similar situation. I certainly never thought I would have spent that much on my rats within the first months of having them.

The point is that this isn't just about you. This forum is for people who are here now, and for people down the road. Someone else may have a similar situation and look here for answers. They may very well see this thread and get something out of the replies given to you.

If you don't wish to participate in the discussion you started, then simply walk away. You don't have to read any further responses here.
javakittie said:
You have every right to not want to read any further responses on this thread. That is your choice, and you're free to make it. That does not mean you need to go off on the members who have replied, trying to answer a question that you're not getting the answers you want to. Everyone has been very polite, trying to give you an idea of what they had to go through during the times when they were in a similar situation. I certainly never thought I would have spent that much on my rats within the first months of having them.

The point is that this isn't just about you. This forum is for people who are here now, and for people down the road. Someone else may have a similar situation and look here for answers. They may very well see this thread and get something out of the replies given to you.

If you don't wish to participate in the discussion you started, then simply walk away. You don't have to read any further responses here.
I know. I know. I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say apart from making excuses (not un-true excuses, but excuses nonetheless), but that's of course pointless, and apologising.

I overreacted. I'll leave.

Thank you everyone.
Don't leave. I think people have said what they wanted to say and that is fine. If you feel you are prepared to get rats and enjoy them than do it. We all deserve that. We would like to see pictures of the new additions when you do get them.

raindrop said:
Don't leave. I think people have said what they wanted to say and that is fine. If you feel you are prepared to get rats and enjoy them than do it. We all deserve that. We would like to see pictures of the new additions when you do get them.


I think she meant from this thread Ann. :)

And yes we do have to think of the future when someone does a search for "vet fund" can be hard but we need the best info posted to help future rat owners. :)
Hugs la_marée_haute. If you leave this discussion, ok, but don't leave the board, OK!?
I hope you know everything said was not at all a criticism of you, not one of us hasn't made mistakes in the beginning and still makes them - and I am not saying you are making a mistake - I'm only saying that unlike some forums, the people here try to help by sharing their experiences so you can see things from many different angles and make up your own mind. They do not want to whack you with their knowledge and tell you what to do, and certainly do not look down on anyone who asks questions, that is something to be looked up to.

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