*Update on Eli and Boots**

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
Just got back from the vet and looks like the boys have uri. He gave them injections of Baytril 22.7 Mg and sent me home with injectable Baytril. I have to give them .35cc 2x daily. I feel bad, poor Boots screamed with his shot :( Eli was a trooper and didnt make a sound. So now at 8pm tonite we have to give each a shot :( He did say he gave injectable as it would work alot better and faster over a oral medication. And that if this doesnt work that he would up the Mg on the Baytril. He said we caught it early that this dosing should do the trick :)

The best part of the vet visit....

It cost a whole $5.00 for everything!! He only charged me for the Baytril I brought home , talk about one awesome vet!!
Wow and I thought my vet was cool because he only charges me for one exam when I bring the boys in! I can't complain though because Junior's (RIP) last trip for injections and medication was only $36.

Hope your squishies are feeling better soon!
Oh, poor boyies :tumkiss: I hope they feel better soon :) I'm not sure I could give my boys shots :? I felt bad when I had to give my Chimo baytril orally :( sounds like you have a good vet though, my last vet visit cost $27 bucks just to check out Chimo's abscess without giving me any more Baytril :(
I would be concerned about the shots. Injectible baytril can be given orally but it tastes real nasty.

Maybe next time ask for the good tasting baytril. :wink:
I have some questions?

He gave them a shot of baytril today and wants you to give another tonight?

When you inject shouldn't it only be once a day?

Are you injecting with regular needles or sub-q?
Just an FYI for ya, I give injectable baytril orally. Find something really yummy like baby cereal and add some pancake syrup to the mix, then add baytril doses to each of their little samples of cereal, mine beg to eat the stuff.

Yes it tastes horrible but I couldn't get mine to sit still for injections, never tried it as orally it works fine. I'd be giving them the injectable stuff by mouth if I were you.
I was reading up on the baytril and did see before this posting that it can be given orally. I mixed it in with some baby food and they ate it all up!!

I think im gonna head back to the vet tomorrow though cause Mater now has some porphyin around his one eye and started to sneeze tonite :(

He did mention he could give some baytril that I could mix in the water, but Im sure I could put it in food instead of the water and just treat everyone. If Mater now has it, Im sure its soon to hit Gemini and Ducky :(

This just stinks I feel so bad for the boys
As far as putting something in their water bottle, bad idea! At least from where I stand. If it has any taste whatsoever they may stop drinking their water and therefore get dehydrated which leads into a new problem altogether. Then, if they are drinking their water, how much of a dose do you know they are getting?
mamarat2 said:
As far as putting something in their water bottle, bad idea! At least from where I stand. If it has any taste whatsoever they may stop drinking their water and therefore get dehydrated which leads into a new problem altogether. Then, if they are drinking their water, how much of a dose do you know they are getting?
Exactly what I was thinking, also you wouldn't want it to go bad in the water or to encourage extra bacteria growth, I don't know enough about medicating rats but I've always heard that meds in the water is a BAD idea
One of my largest concerns about injectable Baytril is that it can cause tissue damage at the injection site. I've also heard that it can be painful when given, if it's not diluted enough. Given the amount your vet has you giving, I'm going to think he diluted it enough for it not to be anything more than uncomfortable. Keep a very close eye on the injection site, though, watch for any redness, swelling, abscess, or even necrosis. As for dosing them in their water.. Any taste can put them off, and even unexpectedly, as has been mentioned. Dehydration is one of the most common killers of our ratkids when they're ill. You also don't know who is getting how much of a dose, since one rat can and will drink more than their cagemates.

Okay, with all of that said! You can continue to give them the injectable Baytril you already have, just mix it up in food as has been suggested. No need spending more money when what you have will work. I mix my girls' meds up on spoons with a bit of Nutri-Cal and baby food and they gobble it right up. My only problem has ever been keeping them from eating each others' doses.

Maybe for next time, ask if he can give you a higher mg/ml suspension. With some rats, getting them to eat a larger dose [.2cc and higher] can be quite difficult, and the smaller sized doses with a high potency of abs can be much easier.

ETA: Here is a link to Ratguide's article on Baytril.
I called and spoke with the vet this morning, I go in this afternoon to pick up more Baytril.
He actually ran out of Baytril so Im just waiting on his shipment to come in. He said he will also give me enough to treat all 5 boys since Mater is now showing signs of uri. I asked him about tablet form and thats what I will be getting this time instead of injectable. Luckly I am easily able to get them to eat it with the baby food, so it hasnt been an issue with each one getting proper dose. I take one out at a time and put some baby food on a spoon with the Baytril mixed in it and they eat it all up. Then I go to the next :)

Good news the baytril seems to be working, They arent sneezing as badly as they were. And the sneezes dont sound so awful. There hasnt been anymore porphyin with Eli. I really have been pushing liquids and making sure they are eating well. So fingers crossed they do well and the icky bug goes away soon.

Thanks guys for so much support and great information, it has been a huge help to me dealing with URI for the first time!!
Great news! I'm glad that they seem to be feeling better.

I also use the Baytril tablets, and I love em. I've had much better luck with them than the flavored Baytril suspension.
Mine are infinitely cheaper than the Baytril suspension. 1 30mL bottle was costing me near $100, and 20 tablets costs me $26. You can even make the tablets up into a suspension on your own if you've a mind to and want to do the math.
javakittie said:
Mine are infinitely cheaper than the Baytril suspension. 1 30mL bottle was costing me near $100, and 20 tablets costs me $26. You can even make the tablets up into a suspension on your own if you've a mind to and want to do the math.

I prefer the tablets myself now that I was able to get them. I hope I can convince Dr. Munn to continue giving me them :)

I prefer mixing my own since I usually run out or they never give me enough and I have to go back to buy more to complete the course of meds. :)

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