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Also, random question. The girls cage is always EXTREMELY sticky! It gets on their food bowl, igloo, and pretty much everywhere. (And they smell like maple syrup..) The boys' cage gets somewhat sticky, but not even close to how sticky the girls is..
No, I meant sticky. It gets your hands all gross. It's weird. Maybe it's their urine? I clean their cage once a week and wipe everything down. It gets all over their igloo, so when you pick it up it feels nasty. You can't see anything, only feel it
how old are the girls? I've got two girls who are about 5-6 mos old and they pee everywhere and their pee is sticky.
It's been a long time since I've had young girls, and I can't recall if this is normal or not, but I'm guessing it is.
I suppose the younger they are, the less able they are to hold it, so they pee everywhere. The cage needs to be cleaned nearly every other day, they are so messy LOL
They are under a year.. Yeah, it's super weird! I have to wipe it down often, and then I do a full cleaning once a week. It's like a sticky/greasy feeling.. hard to describe!
Bathtub: Fine.
Neutral room: Fine.
Cage room, where they free roam: NOPE.
Madeline got hair pulled out today from Molly. I'm so aggravated. Weeks. Weeks we've gone through this. I'm about to just spay her or neuter my boys and put her with them. :scolding: :panic:
Okay, getting nervous now. One of my male rats, Malcolm, has been very lazy lately. He doesn't want to get out of his hammock. When the other boys come out for playtime he has to be brought out by hand. I gave them some cooked rice tonight(as a treat) and carrots and while the other boys were eating he was just sniffing, not wanting to come out of the hammock. I'm worried for him. He used to wrestle around with my hand... Worst part is, I don't get paid until Friday
Took him out and now I know why he's like that. He has PT, or at least that's what it looks like to me. Uploading a video, sorry for the sniffling, was crying. This showed up so suddenly. I'm devastated.
Did cheerio test, very wobbly. Only thing is no clutched fists.
How old is he? How is he this morning? That could also be inner ear infection or even bladder infection from the way he's moving. I'd get him to a vet asap for some meds.
I dont know how old he is, he was from a pet store. He is the same. He wont get out of his hammock. Can't move that well at all. He cant even keep his head still. When i pick him up he almost feels limp.
If he's from the pet store, he was probably a baby. How long have you had him? It could also be a severe lung infection. Can you put him up to your ear and listen to his lungs?
Well back to the subject of intros, would it be okay to spay her and put her with the boys? Or should I neuter the boys and put her with them? Molly just hates her guts and we have been working for weeks now. Also, had to add this picture of Madeline, she's just too cute!!


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