Tooth alignment off and not able to eat hard foods... Help?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I have never dealt with tooth issues before so I have NO idea what to do in this case

I don't know how it happened, but her teeth were fine yesterday... maybe she hit it during out time, she did fall quite a distance when she wasn't being careful and I was distracted... argh I dunno...

I went to check on everyone this morning to give them their meds when I noticed that her teeth weren't aligned, her tongue kinda sticks out on her right side and her mouth wasn't closing fully. I can't really describe it well but I managed to get a couple pictures:



I gave her a corn puff and it took her FOREVER to eat it. Normally she plows through it. Then I gave her an oxbow pellet and she couldn't eat it she just sat there rotating it. So, I ended up giving her baby cereal and ensure until I can figure this out.

I have a vet appointment on Friday, it is the absolute earliest that I can go. Can she wait that long? Is there something that I can do here until she can go to the vet?

She obviously hurts when she eats, but she doesn't appear to be swollen nor does she eep or try to bite me when I feel the area around her jaw. Poor girl.

Anyone deal with something like this before?
In the mean time you could probably give her mushy foods she can lick up. I had a girl break her tooth and it took a minute for it actually fall out. It grew back fine. Maybe she chewed on something a bit to hard or hit it somehow.. It is hard to tell from the picture but her right side of her face looks bigger is it?
The first thing I looked for was swelling and pain.

She isn't swollen. It may look bigger just cuz it is closer to the camera? Pain yes, I gave her some advil for now, I have metacam to switch to if need be.

Not sure at all what she did... poor girl. She looks so lop sided.
If it stays maloccluded you might have to start having your vet trim them every month or so. Rat teeth grow fast and can cause a lot of damage when growing into the face/mouth so keep an eye on her.
*shudders* trimming rat teeth makes me go a bit numb :p

I think she is doing a bit better tonight. I just really fear that she knocked her jaw out of place or something. This must have happened yesterday when she fell in out time. Her cage is oldie proofed right now or Glinda because of her weak back legs, so I really don't see how she could have even fell except for at out time.

Lookit this sweet face. I feel so badly.


BUT she has been showered in treats today. She god lots of corn puffs, baby cereal and ensure, baby food, watermelon, some of my corn and mashed potatoes and a blueberry so... I guess I shouldn't feel so bad, she is being spoiled :p
Poor sweetie, at least she is enjoying being spoiled. You're doing all that you can until she sees the vet. If you have any Harlan blocks or hamster extrusion blocks, they can be mixed with water. I make up a container half full of blocks, then fill to the top with cool water and leave it in the fridge. It makes a soft nutritious mush for rats who can't eat hard food, and it isn't fattening like their treats. All my rats enjoy it, not just the old or sick ones.

Hope your girlie's teeth will heal so that she doesn't need regular teeth trims.

Kisses to her dear little face. :heart:

So this morning her mouth is closing!!! :)
The alignment is still a bit off, but not as much as it was yesterday so hopefully by the time I get home today, they will be all realigned and everyone will be happy.

She is still eating very delicately though. But I bet it hurt, so that might be something that will take some time to go away. At least its looking better.
There are two reasons why her bite may be off:
1. She fell and injured her jaw, and it won't close properly
2. Her teeth are over grown and won't let her jay close properly
I don't know if you remember Petunia and her overgrown teeth. I suspect that she had some type of injury that affected her jaw, and as a result, her teeth wore unevenly and overgrew. After trimming her teeth every two weeks for eight weeks, her bite self corrected.
Her bite is still normal today. A link:
I hope it is something temporary for your girlie!
Ooooh, I remember Petunia's thread. Luckily Lily's teeth don't look like that, they are all the same length and not too long.

This was very sudden, like over night sudden. I'm almost 100% sure its from her fall during out time on Saturday.

I called the vet and she is scheduled in with Glinda on Friday. When I told them the reason she was coming they tried to get me an appointment today, but I literally can not go until Friday. My schedule is nuts until Thursday and my vet isn't in on Thursdays (go figure lol). I'll watch for any changes and if I have to go then I'll find a way. Right now she is eating and acting mostly normal - just delicate with her mouth. She has improved quite a bit from yesterday and she is able to eat the frozen corn I gave everyone (gah its hot here).

We'll have to see what the vet says :) I hope it was just a minor injury that will resolve itself before Friday.
If she is favouring her jaw and it's not closing properly, she may get some uneven wear of her incisors. If she does and you keep on top of it and keep her teeth even, it should resolve quickly.
Poor sweetie! Kisses and soft mash for her!
Is it cruel/inappropriate to say she looks hilariously adorable in the last picture you posted? .////.

Good luck at the vet, little girl!!!
Lil isn't looking too happy tonight. I think that her tooth is going to fall out. Poor girl is puffy and chewing on the lava ledges... or trying to at least.

My committee meeting is tomorrow afternoon. If she gets worse then what she is now, I'll take her in right after the meeting - if at all possible.
I'm gonna be a complete wreck after the meeting, and I definitely don't have time to go before it. So hopefully she will hold tight till Friday...

and Aida, no it isn't horrible to say that, she does look funny in that pic, still adorable tho ;)

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