This Vegan Thing......?

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Wow, that sounds like an awesome event. It's too bad our Ontario sanctuaries don't have something similar. Or maybe we do and I just didn't hear about it. I know we have one in Brampton, but smaller scale. My sister will be visiting that one in a couple of weeks. I'm so jealous.
Yup.. it's one of the things I love about Farm Sanctuary in NY. They're a very very large organization and they are able to tackle the animal rights issues effectively from many angles. Educating people, working to change the laws, rescuing farm animals.. and there's nothing quite like visiting that place and getting to meet all the animals who've been rescued and see how, despite their awful origins, they trust people.. well, most of them do.
Wow Chris, I am so jealous that you are in driving distance of Farm Sanctuary. I would LOVE to visit there. Alas, I am in Seattle...waaaay too far. But I hope you get to do a ride share with someone and go to the event. I have heard of the Hoe Down thing they do there every year. I would give my right foot to go to that.

Here is the awesome coincidence about your post. I volunteer for Farm Sanctuary, believe it or not, in my own little way. I found out about them back when I went vegan and the plight of factory farmed animals just horrified and saddened me so much, I wanted to do something to help in some way, so I contacted their site and found out they can mail out, at no charge, tons of pamphlets to people who want to pass them out or leave a "pamphlet trail" in their own areas.

I have a chronic disability so I move like a 100 year old lady, but I thought, "Hey, next time I need to go to the store or do something in town, why can't I bring along some pamphlets with me to give out or leave out in high traffic public places?" So, yep, they mailed me a box of 200 of them, thanked me for helping the animals, and told me to just let them know when I needed more. It was very cool.

The pamphlets talk about eating vegan, gives suggestions on how to get started, and yes, has some photos inside that show the monstrosity of what humans do to farm animals in the name of "food". So, that is my little contribution. I LOVE Farm Sanctuary. Best of luck to you in being able to go there for the event! :thumbup:
Hey, that's awesome! Thanks for posting that! Paula Deen making something with vegan butter? Sweet! The Queen of Fried Chicken and Cow Fluids just went up a slight notch in my book, ha ha. (Then again, I haven't seen the video yet, but I will give her a chance to be cool for 10 seconds, lol) :D
Oops, I spoke to soon. I realized the channel is Accidental Vegan and Paula used avocado (yep, vegan butter, ha ha). I was wondering why someone would use butter for salsa! Okay, so I get it now. She accidentally made vegan salsa. Heh heh. Oh, I am too slow! :?
Vladina said:
I have a chronic disability so I move like a 100 year old lady, but I thought, "Hey, next time I need to go to the store or do something in town, why can't I bring along some pamphlets with me to give out or leave out in high traffic public places?" So, yep, they mailed me a box of 200 of them, thanked me for helping the animals, and told me to just let them know when I needed more. It was very cool.

The pamphlets talk about eating vegan, gives suggestions on how to get started, and yes, has some photos inside that show the monstrosity of what humans do to farm animals in the name of "food". So, that is my little contribution. I LOVE Farm Sanctuary. Best of luck to you in being able to go there for the event! :thumbup:

What a great idea! Thanks for your well wishes.
see video here: ... l-victims/

Animal Liberation Victoria has released powerful new footage from their Animals Are Not Ours memorial, a public demonstration in Melbourne in which 200 activists cradled the bodies of dead animals obtained from slaughterhouses, shelters, and other sources. As activists held the animals, they stood facing a tombstone which read: “In Memory of the Unknown Animal” and which commemorated the 64 billion land animals and 1 trillion marine animals killed for food globally each year.
The tribute has an emotional effect on passersby, to whom it seems to pose the question: which lives are grievable, and why? How do we decide that only some lives possess inherent worth? ... l-victims/
I could not bear to watch this video after seeing the still heart and belly cannot take it.....what in the name of god happened to this piglet? Trying very hard not to not cry and my stomach is in knots. :cry:

Things like this make me thank the heavens that my husband and I are vegan. Folks out there buying the bacon and the ribs in the neat and tidy meat sections need to see the suffering behind their nicely packaged animal corpses. :redhot:
This is a wonderful thread to read :) I have been a vegetarian for a long time....and the only thing that kept me from being totally vegan was my weakness for milk in my tea or some milk products. I have gotten past that....It is mainly getting used to something can an should be done. My husband still eats meat...and probably always will. That is his choice. I do cook two meals....but also cook a lot of meatless stuff he will eat....So wonderful to see so many more people choosing to become vegan, vegetarian ....makes my heart happy
jorats said:
Since choosing to eat healthier and ditched all animal products, I've never been healthier and I've been losing weight without even trying. I love it!

except when your friend show you a vegan pb cookie reciepe to die for......I am addicted to those darn cookies...I limit myself to two a day....
Dahlas said:
jorats said:
Since choosing to eat healthier and ditched all animal products, I've never been healthier and I've been losing weight without even trying. I love it!

except when your friend show you a vegan pb cookie reciepe to die for......I am addicted to those darn cookies...I limit myself to two a day....

:laugh4: I'm lucky, I have a hubby who loves those cookies more than me so they disappear fast.
Yep, after finally realizing everything behind the facts of drinking and eating milk products, it hit me like a brick....humans should be drinking breast milk from their own species only until we are weaned. And the cows? The females are kept continually pregnant so they can keep lactating, they have their baby, baby is taken away from mom so mom can stay hooked up to the damn milking machines so that humans can drink/eat her breast milk that was intended for her baby. If the calf is a girl, she ends up with the same fate as mom and if calf is a boy, he gets sent off to the veal crates or sold for butchering. This is wrong on so many levels, I don't even know where to start. By the way...what does baby cow get instead of mom's breast milk? Usually a soy formula. So ironic and SO WRONG. And of course, once the milk cows finally dry up after years of getting their lactation sucked out from machines, off they go to the slaughterhouse. So no animal is spared from this. The milk industry is just as cruel as the meat and egg industries.

If someone offered a person a slice of cheese or a glass of milk or some ice cream and said, '"Want some? It is made from human breast milk", the average person would recoil and be grossed out. But it is okay if it is breast milk from another species? Are you kidding me? Don't even get me started on how adult human physiology is not suited to process milk after we are weaned. Digestive problems, etc...the list goes on.

Our bodies have to produce a buffer to process the acidic enzymes in cow milk and guess where the first place our bodies go to, to process that milk? The calcium in our bones! So great, the milk association tells us to drink milk because calcium is good for our bones...and we drink billions of gallons a year and we have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world. The math does not work here.

There are SO many products on the market these days that are superb substitutes for milk products, and far healthier for our bodies (vegan cheeses, plant based milks, etc) that participating in the atrocities of the milk industry is not even an option.

By the way, I had some vegan ice cream sandwiches with my husband last night and they were sooo delicious! Probably even more delicious knowing that they were plant based. Just saying. :wink2:

And I agree with the other folks here who posted about husband and I have never felt better after going vegan. We look ten years younger, we dropped tons of weight just by eliminating animal products and people ask us what "our secret" is when they see us. It is a win-win, for us, and for the animals. :thumbup:
It seems as if there are a lot more veggie people here than the last time I was around. It is a growing trend being seen in all aspects of society and in every country in the world. It makes my heart ache with love and hope.
I became vegetarian just about a decade ago now, and vegan for the last couple of years. Best decision that I ever made in my entire life. My whole personality has changed, for the better, along with my overall health.
I just wanted to make a quick comment on the references made to the myth of 'humane meat'. I have become very active in the activities of Toronto Pig Save over the last few months and I have witnessed first hand the outcome of some of those 'happy animals' that these farms are convincing you exist. They don't exist... period. Regardless of the way the animal is raised they are not in any way happy when they reach one of the several slaughterhouses in Toronto that we bear witness at. They are terrified and their entire demeanour shows it. And the betrayal is even worse for them than the factory farmed animals because they are much older, have often experienced affection, and have even been given names (which are written on their ear tags). Please, don't believe the myth. There are absolutely no 'happy' livestock animals being slaughtered.
If anyone is interested in becoming active in the Farm Animal Save Movement - please feel free to contact me. There are three vigils a week at the Toronto slaughterhouse locations and there are 20+ Save Groups around the globe. If there isn't one in your area - it is easy to start one yourself. Again, please feel free to contact me about them.
Peace and love to everyone.

Attached is Edgar Francois - a member of the Snooters Farm Animal Sanctuary family. He was lucky enough to be rescued after falling off a truck when he was just a wee piglet. He is one of the most intelligent animals I have ever met and he has a very distinct personality... just like us.

I haven't eaten meat since Thanksgiving!!!
I did twice, by accident-- I didn't realize it was in the food, but other than that I have been staying away from it. Mostly I really crave chinese-style chicken, but the noddles with a similar sweet sauce are just as delicious!
My boyfriend is also limiting the amount of meat he eats, and some of my friends are starting to think about it. It is definitely a growing movement, and I hope that my possible future children, who I plan to raise vegetarian or vegan(not to shove my views down their throats-- to show them that it can be done and is healthy), are part of a more-educated and empowered generation.

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