Well-Known Member
I don't think Teddy is giving up either. The poor little munchkin, he's so sweet :heart:
M0onkist said:They do look tired when they're old, but it doesn't mean they're out of fight - just means they need a lot of naptime in between bouts of mischief.
I'll leave the ultimate call up to you, obviously, and to those who are more well-versed with oldies, but personally I'm not freaking out about his slow decline - it sounds pretty normal, all things considered (and especially considering the genetics, he's doing pretty well!)
Edited to add: Sorry, just read another part of one of your posts - Mr. Honeycomb lived to be 28 months or thereabouts, and he was the last of his brothers (they all drew a horrible genetic lot overall). So I do know what it's like to know that your rat doesn't have the greatest tools on his side for longevity.
To me, though, he doesn't look ready to go. Just check his feet for that blueish tinge that would suggest heart problems.
Yesterday & today its been very very hard to get ensure into him, he will take other things just not ensure ..the thing he needs most..i'm going to make some baby cereal with the ensure today ..
His cubes and ensure he has stopped eating, time to mask them in yummy things he will still eat.
He has a lot less control of his back legs today ..they pretty much just drag behind him now.
He is breathing is more heavy (but no resp sounds)..you can see it in the video below
Also you can see how tired he looks, but as soon as he sees food, he is alert.
Joanne said:Awww, sweet Teddy. He seems to love the coolness of the marble tile. Here's hoping he will just pass quietly on his own when he's ready. Give him some scritches from us!
mamarat said:He still looks pretty good. He seems to have a really good appetite for treats and such, he probably doesn't need as much ensure. I know at that age we are tempted to spoil them more. Teddy is a beautiful old man.
mamarat said:I just meant that he might not take as much ensure because they mostly eat what they like the best. I noticed that with my rats as they get older they require less food.