So I brought Bijoux in to the vet this afternoon and I left just as baffled as before the appointment!
We went in and the vet came in and I explained the situation to him, so he took her into the back to poke her with a needle to see what was in the lump. He came back a bit later and said that it was a Seroma, or basically a blood filled area but without red blood cells. After explaining that he said that he was going to get one of the techs to dye the blood sample to see if there was bacteria or white blood cells in the blood and if there was either of those then we would treat it as an infection.
A while later he came back again and said that they couldn't find any bacteria in the blood but there was a number of white blood cells which indicated infection and explained that he wanted to put Bijoux under anesthetic and lance the lump to drain it. He told me it'd only take about 5 minutes for the whole procedure so I gave the go ahead and was told to come back a half hour later.
Well, a half hour passed and we came back and were waiting in the waiting room when the vet came out holding a piece of gauze to show us what he'd found.
Not only was the lump filled with blood but he found a decent sized lump of tissue that was about the size of a pencil eraser or a bit bigger. He said it COULD be a clot but normally clots will fall apart when poked/prodded and this was solid and definitely looked like a tumor!
So the vet couldn't spread any light on why this happened or what this lump was; he did offer to send it off to the lab to be analyzed but I figured that it wasn't worth the cost. If the antibiotics don't stop whatever this was from coming back I'll be heading back to the vet anyways and we'll treat it as a tumor, of course.
It's just so strange to me because I keep wracking my brain trying to think what this could be, especially since it popped up in under 2 days (and with the facial swelling!). Also, Bijoux is only 5 months old!
I'm so confused. :?
*edit- When I picked her up after she'd woken up she was shivering and bruxxing like crazy and I know she is hurting but it didn't occur to me until after we'd left to ask for Metacam or some type of pain killer. I feel so bad now. >_<