Suddenly 10 rats...

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Sorry to those who own hamsters but they are so not the same type of pet as a rat!! I would take 60 rats over 1 hamster anyday. I'm sorry this has happened to you. I've been there myself but thankfully my Mother didnt mind my minagerie of animals. Hope you have luck rehoming them. Unfortunatly I only have males and at my max of 4 :(
Thanks. I've found a home for 2 of them. He wanted 1 but I told him it was much better for them to get 2 and he did. He'll be picking them up this weekend. Only 6 to go now. Maybe I can talk my mother into letting me keep 2. She origonally said I could have 3 and then suddenly changed her mind.
Sphider said:
1 full grey (are these called Rex's? I'm not very good at rat identification) named Snake - approx 6 months

"Gray" doesn't exist in the rat world. Usually when people say gray they mean blue or Russian blue, but sometimes I've heard mink referred to as gray.
Blue: ... C_8163.jpg
Russian Blue: ... C_7015.jpg
Mink: ... C_0049.jpg

Rex is a coat type. It's "curly" fur instead of straight fur.
Example: ... C_9719.jpg

As for markings, "full" as you keep saying could be one of two things, self or berkshire. Selfs are all one color, in any color, and no white on the belly. Berkshires have a white belly, and white paws, with the rest of their body a solid color.
Self: ... C_0034.jpg
Berkshire: ... C_0074.jpg

Sorry, went a little overboard there. :giggle: But I love to educate. :)
Thanks! I really had no idea! I'll re-do that little blurb about them in a bit...I'm a little upset right now becuase my mother just had at me over the rats again. Gezze

I should have never moved back home :emb:
Are you sure about that guy? I wouldn't home to somebody that clearly hasn't researched.... are the girls living as a group?
They are living as a group.

The guy who's taken 2 maybe hasn't done much research, but seems to be willing to take advice (since he agreed to 2 so easily) He's owned many pets before.

At this point I can't be too picky about where they go. The alternative is I come home one day to find all my rats have been 'got rid of'.
Is there nobody on here that you can get to take them all? It's not fair to split them unless you really have to. Tell your family not to touch them because you are going to find them a home, be sure of it when you talk to them and make sure they understand you will rehome them, but you, not them. Where in Toronto are you? I don't know anywhere there but it could help others... and starting a new thread so it's noticed more. :)
I actually just moved a few weeks ago, I'm in Halifax now.

I wish I could keep them all. I hate for the momma and babies to be split up.

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