Sudden onset of symptoms, worried for my boys health

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New Member
Dec 13, 2021
Hi all, I’m new here - its currently 01:44am where I am and I’m so worried for my boy. I went to give my 3 boys (who are almost 2 now) a treat before i went to sleep and noticed my one boy who is usually food-crazy seemed very tired, seemed like he wanted to food but was too tired to eat it. His eyes were almost closed.
I took him out to check him out and noticed he looked to be limping, ive been watching him for about 30 mins now and noticed he has a hard time holding himself up. Ive managed to get him to eat and drink some water, hes currently eating some brocolli but i noticed a very quiet wheezing when he breathes. He is also bruxing a lot and seems very weak, he does not grip my finger when i try to hold his hands, he just kind of leans onto me. Noticed that his ears arent as perky as usual either. Im really worried about him but i cant get him to a vet til morning, any ideas or anything i can do at home to make him comfortable? Eating and drinking is a good sign, and he lets me pick him up and touch him pretty much everywhere - still coming for cuddles. I just dont want my baby to be in pain. Thankyou to anyone that can advise.
video included, can see his breathing looks laboured somewhat.


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I'm not an expert, so maybe someone else can give you better advice, but I would advise to take him to the vet asap. His breathing looks very labored so I would think they'll prescribe some antibiotics.
I hope he comes around, good luck!
He looks very unwell. You might want to hold his sides to your ears to listen to his breathing (this is called rat-phoning), any crackles, gurgles, roughness, whines or clunks means he has a respiratory infection and will need antibiotics.

The excessive bruxxing could also be PT or pituitary tumour. Initial symptoms are often clumsiness, confusion, excessive bruxxing, inability to grasp small light items with front paws.
He is currently passing over the bridge. The vet said there was nothing they could do for him, i am devastated. My baby wasnt even two yet, so glad i have his two brothers but god i am going to miss him. This happened so suddenly, heart failure was assumed cause. Rest in peace Butch, my baby boy. I’m sorry I couldnt help

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