Something... off with Plumeria

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Shelagh, I can't heap praise on you enough for this.

Nor can I heap enough praise on all of the rest of you who've helped.

I won't write much now, because I'm exhausted and need to sleep (too many nights worrying!)





Gave her a rescue remedy injection.

Decided against most diagnostics because of how fragile she was.

Absolutely adored her - I haven't seen Plumeria brux so much for even my own boyfriend, whom she loves!

Gave me two meds for her - doxy and baytril, enough for THREE WEEKS (none of this 'week or 10 days b.s.').

Also prescribed a puffer for her.

And to top it all off he gave her pablum in a little dish, and he gave me the dish to bring with her so she could eat more later!!

I'm off to sleep, but Plumeria's back in her cage safe and sound to rest up after the trip there and back - can hardly say the actual visit with Dr. Munn was any stress at all but a real, real, true pleasure.

I would kiss your feet if you were here, Shelagh.
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
i'm SOOOOO happy that you had a wonderful experience with Dr.Munn. My butt needs to get in there too I thinks!!!
I'm so happy she's got her meds, and will be feeling better hun! I've been thinking alot about your sweet girl!
:heart: :heart: :heart:
Rest well girls!
I think he won Plumeria over in about 0.5 seconds - she was so happy, bruxing and boggling all over the place. And a millisecond after that, *I* was won over. :)

After the RR shot, she started a massive grooming of her face. This afternoon she got a bit too feisty (kept trying to crawl out of my lap) so I put her back in her cage and she actually snuggled under one of the blankets - something she hasn't done since she got sick (I could just see her head peeping out from under a bundle).

And, perhaps the most promising indicator of all..........

She's nest building!!

She dragged the cut-off shirtsleeve my mom gave her halfway up her ramp to the second level! It isn't too much, I know, but she looked very intent on doing it, showing interest in her surroundings and so on. And she ate almost all of the pablum in the dish spontaneously.
Even more of a bRat than she was yesterday!

Does anyone know tricks to make her take her meds though? I have to basically force them into her mouth - she won't lick them from my finger or from the syringe, so I'm kinda stuck.

I don't want to put them in her pablum/Ensure dish, because I can never tell how fast she'll eat it - maybe if I just put a tiny bit of ensure with the meds?
Try mixing a tiny bit of something in with them on a spoon. Measure the meds out in the syringe first. She might take it from the spoon, if not, you could suck all the ensure and med mix back into the syringe and feed her (youll have to wash the syringe thorougly after though i imagine.. im not quite sure what's in Ensure lol)
I have put the med in the syringe, and then sucked the ensure straight into it and shook it up a bit.

Or you can make up a very small amount of baby cereal and put it in there.

You can do the force feed method too, but give her something MAJORLY tasty right afterwards :D I used to do that with my girls and lately they've been taking their meds like champs.
LoL, because they know something spectacular is right around the bend!

I did the ensure thing in her little dish (meds and a bit of ensure) and she licked it right up - I'll see if she's as agreeable today.

Oh, and no harmful effects from the green onion she purloined!
Cool Whip is pretty good for enticing them into taking meds, too. I use a bit of Strawberry Nesquick and/or Cool Whip or even mashed banana.

I am so glad that you got her to Dr. Munn in time! What a nice touch to add a puffer to your bag of tricks.
Yeah, although I'm crossing my fingers I won't ever have to use it again, it'll definitely be a comfort knowing I have it - there're 120 doses or thereabouts, which I have a feeling will last forever, or at least for one or two more rattie colds.

She's a very funny bug, my girl is. I set up the cage to try to totally litter train her (like Lynds does with hers, in anticipation of my Mr. Honeycomb coming to live here!). Set up the corner litter pan, put some carefresh in - and of course right around then she gets sick. So I don't pressure her to use it, although I do put the poopies away - all of a sudden she poops in the metal dish I'd originally put in so she'd have water aside from the water bottle (because she wasn't drinking at the time). Okay, no biggie - she does have one or two corners she uses. So I put the poops in that dish.

This morning, there are about five more poops - all of them in, or within dropping distance of the dish (less than 1cm outside it, so really just an 'aiming' issue). I think she's chosen both her spot and the type of toilet, lol

Oh, and the lambskin mousie she plays with HAS to live in her normal feed dish. HAS to. I tried to move it out last night - this morning, it was right back where it had been.
Plumeria passed away this morning.

No warning. I found her on the bottom of her cage - my guess is a heart attack/stroke?

I'm still in shock... she was looking forward to meeting her future little brother.

She passed away four months to the day after Princess did.
I am so sorry hun!!! I know how it feels to lose the battle especially after she seemed to pick up...... Atleast now she is no longer suffering... :(

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