Something is wrong with Neville-Passed over night

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You can give ibuprofen every 4-6 hours, but metacam is much longer acting, and is generally given as a once a day drug, though it can be used twice a day, though if done twice a day it should not total more than the highest possible once a day dose.
he doesn't look good. I'm calling the vet in the morning to see if I can get in as soon as possible.
I applied for the care credit card. I didn't think I'd get approved with the crazyness surrounding my issues right now, but they approved me! Now I know I can do the best for my boy, even if that means putting him to sleep. at least I know I'll be at a vet with lots of rat experience, and who I trust 100%. (my other vet was very nice, and reasonably priced, but she didn't have the tools to do much) The vet I am going to take him to in the morning is the vet the Evet people told me to go to actually. I had them in mind, because I've worked with them for work, but it was good to have someone else say they are good.
Thank God. I was upset and crying, and I just decided what the hell, I'll apply, worst case they say no, best case they say yes... and paying this off will help me rebuild my credit. God really answered my prayers. I know I probably sound a bit crazy, but I had pretty severe depression over the summer, and Ronny really saved me. And then the babies brought new life to him. When Ronny died, neville really stepped up and became the snuggly rat, my sweety... Seamus is still rambunctious, and Arthur is just starting to get to know me. With everthing thats been going on in my life, my rats have really kept me balanced... Its hard to explain, but these little guys have helped me through so much.
Neville looks at least comfortable for now. I've noticed a lot of poryf over the past few hours, its harder to see on him because he's got a black head, but his paws are red from grooming, and his eyes are stained. He's sleeping, in funny positions, but I think he's ok.

He looks a whole lot more uncomfortable in the picture then he did in real life. He's leaned against the yellow fleece , but he's curled in a ball, which is how he normally sleeps. He flipped over tho and his chin is covered in proyf. :( I wish I was 8am.
He keeps sitting with his back legs stretched out infront of him. I think he can balance better this way, so he can eat the few poofs I put in with him.

Thanks for everyones help. I will update after the vet. Hopefully early, and hopefully with good news.

Edit: I decided to take arthur too... He's the one thats been chirping... it will be good to get him checked out.
And a video of Neville eating, because i think its a good thing... and you can see what I mean about the sitting funny.
Oh dear, it almost looks like stroke, or internal injuries from a fall. Metacam is not a good med in this case as it is bad for uncontrolled bleeding. Metacam is a one-a-day med, Ibu is a 4-6 hours medication, with metacam being better and safer for your rat.

I would get him to the vet asap like you are doing. Do you have to syringe fluids into him at this point?
He's still drinking ok if I move the bowl to him, but I was giving him meds with a syringe to be sure he was getting enough. Were going in this morning at 10:10. I was starting to worry about a troke with the way he's favoring that front paw too.
Little Neville :sad3:

Give him gentle kisses from me and tell him to hang in there. The little trooper.

You hang in there too! You're being a fabulous mom to your boy and I'm sure that gives him a lot of comfort. :heart:
So, I have a new respect for Dr. Combs. I've worked with him for work for almost 2 years now, and I honestly didn't see him as much of a small animal vet (which is why I was reluctant to pay $50 for an exam with him) but he was pretty amazing.
He thinks that Neville has an ear infection, in his brain. He says that those come on very quickly, and that the inflammation associated with this really causing most of his symptoms. So we got a shot of steroids, and 3 days of baytril (we are going to reevaluate on monday, and continue the ABS if he's feeling better, and if not that we consider the other option. He agreed that it was worth the try, and that I was doing good keeping him hydrated, but I need to work on getting more food into him. He lost about 20 grams between yesterday and today. He will eat, off of my fingers, so I'm going to work on getting him to eat some baby cereal and ensure. (strawberry to spoil him) Dr. Combs thinks that we will see either rapid improvement, and he'll be ok, or we wont see any, and we will know we did what we could. He doesn't think that Neville is in pain, but just that he is dizzy. He thinks he may have fallen (the bruises on his tail) but that isn't the main issue, and that he probably fell because of the dizziness.

He was really impressed with Arthur. When I adopted him I was told he was 2, and Dr. Combs was amazed that he had no tumors, and that his only issue was the chirping noise. He agreed that its probably a sign of respiratory inflammation, and he gave me some nebulizer gentamicin. He said if Arthur isn't less sneezy by monday we will also add Baytril and doxy.

Thanks so much for all the support guys.
Sounds like a great vet! I'm glad there is hope for little Neville. :) Will be sending loads of positive, healing thoughts to you and the lil' guy.

thanks so much guys. He said he'd never tried steroids in a rat before, be he knew it had been done, and he called a friend in Denver who specializes in rats (He is a bird guy i guess, but he had a plaque on his wall that said he was approved by the association of sugar glider people)
Sense I knew people here had done steroids before, I wasn't worried. I am just gonna wait it out. He just seems to want to just be left alone, so he's just chillin for now, but I'm checking in on him occasionally.
so glad that you got such a great vet! Hope that both of your boys are feeling better by Monday.

And nobody on this Forum would find it at all crazy that the rats have been a source of comfort during bad times.
sometimes he looks like he's feeling better, and sometimes he looks like he's feeling worse. His head is very bobbly, and he just kinda holds on to what ever hes sitting on with all his strength, like hes afraid hes gonna fall off. In his tank tho, he seems pretty stable. He'll eat if I hold the food infront of his face, and he'll still drink from the syringe.
How long should I give the steroids? The vet said, unless he took an obvious turn for the worse (seizing, spinning ect) that we should hold on until monday, but I'm hoping maybe to see a bit of improvement before then... I just hate to see him like this.
I know when I get steroid injections I feel at least a little better with in a few hours.
It may take a while for the room to stop spinning if his theory is correct. It's only been a little while. The antibiotics take 1-2 days to reach an effective concentration in the body and really start making a difference. The steriod will help with swelling and inflammation. If it's an inner ear infection, the antibiotic has to start working to reduce the amount of pus, which in turn will reduce the pressure in his ear, which in turn will reduce his symptoms. Just give him lots of support - he needs to stay strong and hydrated.

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