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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Midland, ON
OK, I really don't know how to scritch a rat. I thought it was just like scratching like rubbing behind the ear, but I was reading something and it said it was more like a grooming movement. How do you do it properly.
I'm not sure either, but what I like to do is kind of massage with my fingers. Like doing a grabbing motion with my fingers on their heads, shoulders, sometimes on their back depending if they aren't tense. Rubbing on the back can mean a dominant move so it can stress a male.
lol ...some rats just don't appreciate unarmed fingers.

Dapper's got a great description of scritching. So we are all doing it right. :lol:
Wow, thanks for the article. I have come to realize my girls like slow petting like you would a dog, not really into scratches as you would call it. They definately don't appreciate being on their back by mommy so I don't do it unless it's a dominance thing.
Isey likes it when I get in his shoulder blades with my fingers and kind if muss the fur and scratch it backwards. He'll lay there and close his eyes. He's such a doll. :heart: He likes it when I give slow strokes on his head, too. He's the only one who really likes scritches. Charlie gets excited and runs off, and sometimes Irwin will enjoy a short scritch. The babies just run off, and the nekkids don't like pets very much.

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