Scared Rat running around cage frantically

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Nov 22, 2013
Sydney, Australia
My little girl just started running wildly in circles around her cage, banging into all obstacles and then ran straight into her tube and stayed there. I managed to calm her and hold her until she started to feel herself again. She was just being really still eyes quite large (almost bulging) and very shallow breathing. She wasn't even attracted to her favourite food.
She seems to be doing much better now an hour after. She has eaten & moving around the cage. She doesn't seem to have hurt herself thankfully.

Has anyone else's rat done that? I was vacuuming at the time but they are usually intrigued by the noise, not afraid. It was a terrifying ordeal for myself, for Squish & for her sister Sneaks.

Thanks for your help!
I've never experienced it but maybe some sort of seizure or stroke? When my rats are actually scared of something they just run into something to hide, not actually running into obstacles in the cage. It could have been some sort of neurological event and she couldn't see. I'd just keep an eye on her. Hopefully someone else will respond as well.
My Moose would do that a few times. It's really frightening to see and afterwards, it almost seems like they are so spent and limp that they are going to die. What I would do with Moose is try to feed him sugar water. It seemed to help. I figured they were massive panic attack. Oddly enough, it started when I was vacuuming as well.

But respiratory distress will also make a rat run around in a panic. Listen to her lungs, make sure they are nice and clear.
Thank you so much!
She seems to be doing better, she is climbing a fair bit. Her breathing has been quite quick and short but I think she is improving. Still not quite her adventurous self but getting there. Hopefully my vet will let me start an account so I can get her properly looked after. I'm sure we aren't out of the woods yet.
Thanks again.
I tried to nebulize one of my girls once and she jumped on the floor jumped up and down, running so fast and I seriously thought I killed her, she was terrified of the machine. She is the only one I witnessed that with. It wasnt fun but It can happen.
Hi, I know this was several years ago, but I was wondering if you ever got to the bottom of it? I'm an experienced rat owner but one my girlfriend's males just did this. It's happened once before, he fell of his ledge and knocked himself unconscious the first time, but this time we intervened before he could hurt himself. It freaks our mischief out, and I can't find any information on it.

We can rule out respiratory issues, ear infections/mites in ears. He doesn't have a head tilt and he doesn't usually roam in circles, only these two times has he ran round frantically bouncing off the walls with no apparent trigger. He's an albino and after this episode his little red eyes were wide with a thousand yard stare.

I promise you, he's well taken care of, spoilt even. No other rat of ours have ever done this and it does frighten us.
My little girl just started running wildly in circles around her cage, banging into all obstacles and then ran straight into her tube and stayed there. I managed to calm her and hold her until she started to feel herself again. She was just being really still eyes quite large (almost bulging) and very shallow breathing. She wasn't even attracted to her favourite food.
She seems to be doing much better now an hour after. She has eaten & moving around the cage. She doesn't seem to have hurt herself thankfully.

Has anyone else's rat done that? I was vacuuming at the time but they are usually intrigued by the noise, not afraid. It was a terrifying ordeal for myself, for Squish & for her sister Sneaks.

Thanks for your help!
My pet rat yeti did the same thing a month ago. Bouncing around frantically and doing the same as yours. My dad was also Hoovering at the time when it occurred. Just 15 mins ago, he did it again but with no loud noises. I didn't know what to do so I was telling him to stop and he eventually did. I don't know what to do so if you have found anything out about it, don't hesitate to email me. My email is [email protected]. thank you.

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