Well-Known Member
About 3 weeks ago I was holding Rem and found a teeny tiny scab on his thigh. Assuming it was a scratch I cleaned it up. During the second week there seemed to be a mass beneath the surface so I started to treat it like an abscess and shared Osiris' Baytril with him. Now the scab has grown and it doesn't seem to be stopping. The mass underneath it is also bigger and if I feel for it he gets uncomfortable. There's no sign of healing; I know that cancerous lesions don't heal.. The mass itself isn't prominent enough to be photographed, you have to feel it. There's no pus.
He's not lame in his leg, but he's got typical beginnings of HED seeing as he's about 30-31 months old. There's been no weight loss, no change in his eating and drinking habits, and he still shuffles his way up to the CN shelf. He still investigates everything in the playpen, on my bed, or the couch. The only thing that's different about him is this scary mass beneath the scary scab. :sad3:
He's my heart kid and I want to know what's going on - suggestions?
He's not lame in his leg, but he's got typical beginnings of HED seeing as he's about 30-31 months old. There's been no weight loss, no change in his eating and drinking habits, and he still shuffles his way up to the CN shelf. He still investigates everything in the playpen, on my bed, or the couch. The only thing that's different about him is this scary mass beneath the scary scab. :sad3:


He's my heart kid and I want to know what's going on - suggestions?