As some of you have sayed it all depends on the child and how they where tought to handle any animal, plus if they are young that the care giver watchs them with the animal.
I myself grow up around many kind of anamils we had buggies, conarys, ginapigs, rabbits, chickens, and a number of cats and dogs. When we got older my parints got two parrits. My parints made sure that me and my brother know how to care and handle all the animals we've had/have. I know there where times that we where "bad" when it came to a few animals, but my parints made sure that we where corret in our mistakes and if need be punshed for it.
With my two children (10 and 7) I've tryed really hard to show them how to interact with any kind of animal. Living where we are now we've only had some fish, a buggie, and a hamster. I always showed them how to handle them and how to care for them and I was there when they did. If they where oldanuf I did leave them "alone" with the animal it they could show me how to handle it right first. Even then I had them with in sight.
Now with the girls, my dughter is eager to hold one of them or both, but for now I'm only letting her pet them if I'm there and the girls are in their cage. My son..well he's still warming up to them, but he dose talk to them everymore in a sweet little voice.
Now the little one I babysit, she's got a dog, but I don't think I'll be letting her any where near the girls till she much older and undstand "be nice". I've got quite a few scaches from her trying to ticle me even after I tell her to be nice.
Thought I've seen kids that the parints have tryed as hard as they can to teach them to be nice to animals and they just think they are toys and do as they please with them.