Rat Won’t Drink Water

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New Member
Dec 5, 2019
For the past two weeks I noticed my rat hasn’t been drinking his water. He’s a senior rat, the last of my three boys. I’d get him more friends if I could but I’m the only person who cares for rats on my island.

More importantly, I notice he barely makes a dent in his small water bottle. I change it everyday and I’ve adjusted it so he can reach it without having to lift his head. I keep him nearby so he doesn’t get lonely and I never see him approach it.
So I’ve taken to mixing some ensure with his water, and suddenly he starts to drink a lot. I also add some soup to his feed and give him vegetables and fruit. I should be able to manage this way but I just don’t understand why he’d rather be dehydrated than drink regular water. Should I be worried?
Are you putting the Ensure and water in a bowl? He might prefer that. Have you checked to make sure the water bottle isn't stuck and not functioning? Does he seem more confused than usual?
Are you putting the Ensure and water in a bowl? He might prefer that. Have you checked to make sure the water bottle isn't stuck and not functioning? Does he seem more confused than usual?
Hi, thank you for your response. I’ve tried putting a bowl in his cage for the day and overnight. It’s the same situation. He ignored the water (...maybe he drunk from it while I slept, I can’t tell as the water level didn’t change much.) but went for the ensure.
I’m not sure if I can say he’s confused, he still acts mostly the same and just seems clumsier because his hind legs are weak. Maybe he’s just a picky rat?
Poor old man. Well, I would use a heavy bowl and monitor it. Fill it to a point you can remember and see overnight. Just do that every night and see how it goes.
Poor old man. Well, I would use a heavy bowl and monitor it. Fill it to a point you can remember and see overnight. Just do that every night and see how it goes.
Hi, I’ve been trying it for the past few days. I’ve been keeping my ratty beside me desk so I can observe him throughout the day.
I left him both the small bowl of water and a bottle of water mixed with ensure just in case.
He only goes for the milk. 😅
At night I leave him only the bowl of water and there’s no change...

He still has a good appetite but lately he’s been grumpier and nippier.
I guess he’s just picky.
Hi my rat is not drinking enough and he’s whole behaviour changed over night he’s been acting slow and tired but still walks and runs when he wants, do I leave him to rest?, I tried to put water down him but he won’t take any liquid, flavoured and unflavoured, I’m very worried for him and fear he could pass
Hi, my rat is having the same situation now, I put a bowl of water in her cage, but the level of water didn't change. And her **** smells so bad ( It didn't happen before), how your rat now?
Hi, my rat is having the same situation now, I put a bowl of water in her cage, but the level of water didn't change. And her **** smells so bad ( It didn't happen before), how your rat now?
The key is to keep them hydrated and sometimes you need to find other routes. Try giving him juicy foods, like watermelon and lettuce. It will help.

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