Rat with bleeding

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New Member
Jul 30, 2007
Hi all,

I’m new here so haven’t had a chance to introduce myself properly (I will though as soon as I get some time). Anyhow, I have a female unspeyed rat (named Chutney). She is about 2.5 years old and today she started bleeding from her vagina. There is a slow but steady flow, similar I guess to a woman’s menstrual cycle. I talked to the vet over the phone who though it might be cystitis due to mycoplasma and suggested I put her on antibiotics (Baytril & doxycycline) and to bring her in tomorrow. Chutney was already on these antibiotics for the usual respiratory infections, so I gave her these as I normally would.

I was wondering if anyone has had rats with vaginal bleeding and what it turned out to be. I'm concerned that it may be cancer or pyometra. I will be getting her speyed ASAP. Any advice or experience is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Hi and welcome widget!
So far, it seems you are doing everything right. Hopefully, it's just a bladder infection.
I had an older girl who had a type of pyometra, she was put on antibiotics and it cleared up a month later. She didn't have any bleeding but she was also spayed.
widget said:
Hi all,

I’m new here so haven’t had a chance to introduce myself properly (I will though as soon as I get some time). Anyhow, I have a female unspeyed rat (named Chutney). She is about 2.5 years old and today she started bleeding from her vagina. There is a slow but steady flow, similar I guess to a woman’s menstrual cycle. I talked to the vet over the phone who though it might be cystitis due to mycoplasma and suggested I put her on antibiotics (Baytril & doxycycline) and to bring her in tomorrow. Chutney was already on these antibiotics for the usual respiratory infections, so I gave her these as I normally would.

I was wondering if anyone has had rats with vaginal bleeding and what it turned out to be. I'm concerned that it may be cancer or pyometra. I will be getting her speyed ASAP. Any advice or experience is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Widget,

I'm sorry to hear about your poor, little, lady. I do not have any experience with vaginal bleeding in rats because I have 2 boys. I would, however, strongly urge you to discuss the possibility of spaying Chutney.

She is 2 1/2 years old and, unless she is in an otherwise strong physical shape, she may not survive anesthesia.

I am not a specialist on any of this. I am just worried that Chutney might not awake after surgery.

Whatever the case, my heart is with you and your little lady. Give her kisses and scritches for me. :love6:
There may be some concern in regard to spaying because of her advanced age, but if she's completely healthy otherwise, and you adamantly want to get it done, I see no reason no to.

It sounds like pyometra to me :( Do you have other girls? I'm sure they would benefit from being spayed also.
I agree, if she's in top health and you've got a very good vet, there shouldn't be too much of a risk. Especially if it's pyometra, you don't have a choice, she would need a spay.

Thank you all for your replies and hi Jo, I know you from alt.pets.rodents.rats.

I thought I should provide an update on Chutney. The vet didn't think it was cystitis because of the amount of blood. He suspected that it was a uterine infection (probably due to myco... surprise, surprise). So the choice was to leave her, where she would most likely get weak with the amount of bleeding she was having, or else to go ahead and spey.

So Chutney was speyed yesterday. I had a look at her uterus after it was removed and there was bruising or blood clots on one of the uterine horns. She survived the surgery fine. My vet is very good and Chutney, although not in perfect health, isn't frail or weak.

So she is still sore and tender, but the bleeding has stopped. Chut's is eating and walking around and is enjoying all the extra attention and treats I am giving her. She is to stay on Baytril for at least two more weeks, probably longer.

Thank you all again. :D
I'm so glad all went well. It really is scary all the problems that can arise later in life with a female and her uterus. Most rats at that age are not in the best of health and wouldn't of had a good outcome. Also, lots of kudos to a good vet. We need more of those.

btw, hi widget! good to see you here!!
I too say hello and welcome. :welcome: It was good to see that things went well and she is on the mend. As they would say, SHE IS GOOD TO GO. :lol: Give her a hug and kiss from us here at the Bradford home.

widget said:

Thank you all for your replies and hi Jo, I know you from alt.pets.rodents.rats.

I thought I should provide an update on Chutney. The vet didn't think it was cystitis because of the amount of blood. He suspected that it was a uterine infection (probably due to myco... surprise, surprise). So the choice was to leave her, where she would most likely get weak with the amount of bleeding she was having, or else to go ahead and spey.

So Chutney was speyed yesterday. I had a look at her uterus after it was removed and there was bruising or blood clots on one of the uterine horns. She survived the surgery fine. My vet is very good and Chutney, although not in perfect health, isn't frail or weak.

So she is still sore and tender, but the bleeding has stopped. Chut's is eating and walking around and is enjoying all the extra attention and treats I am giving her. She is to stay on Baytril for at least two more weeks, probably longer.

Thank you all again. :D

AWESOME NEWS!!!! I'm so happy to hear that Chutney is ok!!! WHEW!!! :bananas:

It's amazing how much a person can fever over little fuzz forms; even when they are not one's own! :love6:

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