Rat Mills

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[justify:36hiv6lb]Any mill is sad to look at, whether they look like they're nice ones or not... Looking at the pictures absolutely breaks my heart. Don't get me wrong, I know there are other pets out there that need to feed. To me, it's a very difficult topic. No one ever complains about crickets being used as food. But when it comes to a cute little mouse, rat, or bunny, then we're all kind of against it. What about cows and pigs that are bred for meat that WE eat? Cause I’m pretty sure not every rat owner or anima lover is a vegetarian or vegan. I’m surely not. I LOVE chicken sandwiches. Is it wrong for me to eat chickens that were bred for my desire?

Rats were never meant to be domestic animals, just like snakes and tigers were not meant for captivity. So I disagree with the person who said to leave snakes and tigers in the wild, because don't forget, rats are wild animals, too! But as I said, some are better in adapting to life in captivity than others. I don't really know much about rat mills, as I am very new to the rat community in general, but if the animals are being mistreated in any way, shape, or form, then I highly disagree with rat mills breeding feeders... But I’m pretty sure that these mills are not responsible breeders. They obviously don’t care about the animals. Just the profit. Otherwise they would be more concerned in the good health and welfare of these little furry friends.

My older brother once had a ball python. I remember the first time I saw it eat a mouse and I was devastated. I cried for almost thirty minutes. My brother, on the other hand, was pretty entertained by the scene. I guess some people just don’t care about the cute little guys like we do… All I could think about was the life of that little mouse... It's a sad thing being brought into this world just to be fed to a predator. My brother's dad (as we have separate fathers) started breeding his own mice. He is a very kind older gentleman and has always loved animals. He treated the mice very well, but they were still only being bred for the pet snake. It's a sad fate for our little friends being brought into the world just to be some reptile's snack later on and never get to enjoy the life of a pet. To me, however, this is just the way of life. It's not much different than predators eating rodents in the wild, but because predators in captivity don't have the luxury to go hunt for food, their owners have to provide it... and I don't think people would get anywhere if they tried to go out and actually hunt their pet's food. Thus the convenience of mills and pet stores that sell feeders.

I think what it boils down to is pet owner responsibility. Not everyone who owns a snake is a horrible person who doesn’t care about the life of a small rodent. There are snake owners who take steps to be more “humane” when feeding THEIR beloved companions… In reality though, there are a lot of people who go into pet stores and buy the first thing they think is “cute” before taking into consideration the responsibility, time, and effort it takes in caring for any type of pet. I think that if people educated themselves prior to adopting a new pet, they would probably then choose to buy from a breeder or shelter as opposed to a store… Because store rats are usually not socialized or handled very often… And that is a big factor because people want rats so they can interact with them, and hold them, and cuddle them… Then people go and get one (not two or more like suggested because they didn’t at least GOOGLE the “best care for rats”) and it ends up being very skittish… Then people are lazy and don’t want take the time to socialize it and get it used to being interacted with… so it either just sits there in the cage all the time, with food time being the only interaction it gets with humans, or it ends up going to a shelter and being “rescued.” Wow I think I’m getting way off topic. I need to stop RANTING lmao. The point I was trying to make is that (for those people highly against purchasing from pet stores) more people would probably be less likely to buy from pet stores if they did a little bit of research prior to adoption… It’s the smart thing to do.

The three rats that I finally decided to adopt are coming from an owner who has no choice but to give them up to a good home. One of them came from a pet store, while the two younger ones came from a woman who kept having litters irresponsibly… so you may consider them “rescued” since this idiot of a woman kept letting her rats get pregnant either by accident/carelessness or for the wrong reasons (such as “but babies are so cute!”). This is an example of the types of morons who go into pet stores and buy rats and end up having baby rats and giving them away as feeders. If people didn’t do things like that, it may reduce the number of feeders and/or reduce the number of rats that desperately need a good home.

Might I add that I went into Pet World in Hampton, VA to look at rats. I knew I didn't want to adopt from a pet store at all, but I did just want to take a look anyway... I couldn't find any rats and went to the front desk to ask when they would get any rats in... The manager took me into the back room behind the counter where all the rats were stored in 10 gallon aquariums, stacked on shelves, crammed with their fellow rats and family. They were feeders... not meant for adopting. Otherwise they wouldn’t have been hidden in the back. These rats weren’t meant to be pets. They were there for one purpose, and one purpose only; feeders.

It's so sad...

Mills make me sick, but I accept it more than I probably would like to… I just understand that other animals need these rodents to survive. If our rats needed to eat snakes, wouldn’t we buy snakes to feed them? Snakes would be hard to find if we didn’t have snake mills to make buying them more convenient… Try looking at it that way. I am in no way saying that I like these mills, or that I like the fates of these poor animals, as it is very heartbreaking that these animals will never get to bond with humans much less be able to rest at all… Since they are constantly breeding and raising babies, and when they can’t even do that, they’re tossed into the snake pit.

People are saying that they refuse to buy from stores that sell animals. This includes Petsmart and Petco? Two of the leading pet supply stores in the United States? They have good supplies and I will always shop there. But I would not buy animals from them. I believe it is ok to buy supplies from these stores, but to not buy animals… If no one buys their pets, then they won’t want to waste the money in purchasing them from mills to sell. Besides, Petco is a hell of a lot better than Pet World after I was taken back to see where the rats were being housed in a dark room full of 10 gallon aquariums… At least Petco has their rats out on display. I think they are SUPPOSED to be for pets, but people who work at Petco are often afraid of rats. I’ve gone in a few times to talk about the rats and I also get the same remarks on how employees don’t particularly like to handle the rats… People have such a misconception on these amazing little animals.

As for people being against feeding rats alive; I don’t like this, but I understand that the captive predators still need to hunt their food… Correct? I saw someone on here say that in their rescue, snakes are fed frozen mice, while young raptors are fed live prey because they need to learn to hunt… Is this wrong? That little hawk or owl needs to learn how to hunt or he won’t survive in the wild… Snakes are predators. Like hawks and wild cats… Mice and hamsters are not predators (unless you’re a seed). But if they were, I still believe that us rat lovers would go to the extent of providing live food for our companions if that is what they required.

I guess I am being so easygoing about this topic because the mill shown in this thread is clean and organized. The rodents still don’t receive any love and attention. They’re like hard-worked employees straining every day to satisfy their butthead boss who never gives them a break, a raise, or any praise and acknowledgement… I would highly be against mills that are unsanitary and neglectful or abusive to the animals (including their housing and such). The animals shouldn’t have to be crowded. Aren’t there animal rights and laws that people are supposed to abide? I’m pretty sure it’s inhumane to overcrowd pets. I’ve seen on Animal Planet where people are arrested because they have five or six large dogs staying in one apartment while the owner is never home. This is neglect. Don’t the same rules apply to small pets? Is it just that the bad mills are kept in hiding? I mean when I look at the mill posted here, I’m thinking; well if my brother’s dad continued to breed his own feeders… and then sell them to his neighbor who own snakes… isn’t that similar to what you’d find happening with mills? I think it can be acceptable under the right conditions…

Also another thing I just thought of; people are against other people who buy from pet stores because it supports mills like these. I understand that but in reality, there will always be mills, no matter how hard or how long we protest… They will always exist, and there will always be those unfortunate ones whose fate is to be a feeder. A pet store rat is just as deserving of a good, permanent home as any rescue or shelter rat… Or should they suffer, along with hundreds, or thousands of other feeders and pets in pet stores while you attempt to stop mills because face it, there is NO stopping mills. So why not just give a store bought rat a nice good home. Otherwise he’ll be adopted by either an idiot and not live long or be neglected for the rest of his life, or a snake owner as some python’s lunch. So quite frankly I don’t have a problem with people buying from pet stores. They’re already a live, might as well give them a nice home or let them sit there in the pet store for the rest of their lives, watching people walk by and ignore them behind the glass of their aquariums… when even the store’s employees are too repulsed to pay them any attention.

Please don’t bash me for what I have said above. I am just stating my opinions, which often change as I learn new things… I am always open ears to other people’s opinions and suggestions. Perhaps you could shed light on the matter and change my mind on the subject. It’s always possible… But I would appreciate not being trampled on for what I have said. I love animals and I do hate mills and the way many small animals are treated in the world, but I also try to think rationally and not always with my heart and emotions.

Also thank you for taking the time to read this thread, as it is very lengthy. I can get carried away sometimes in thought.[/justify:36hiv6lb]
Keep in mind this is a pet rat forum and most of us are extremely passionate about the welfare of these wonderful little guys.
Like you, we are also entitled to our opinions and for me, snakes should never be kept as a pet. Your argument might be that rats were once wild but after many years rats have become domesticated. The same can't be said about a snake. Rats love people... I honestly don't see snakes loving people. In fact, I find it very sad to see a snake having to live his life in a terrarium instead of where he really belongs. You say live feeding is important for hunting, how does a snake hunt in a terrarium? The rodent is dropped in by the tail.
All mills are inhumane... unless the rodents live in good size wire cages, are kept on acceptable bedding, are fed a top quality food, are given fresh food, are allowed to exercise and socialize, anything less than that is totally inhumane.
I rescued rats from a Science Center. They were breeding for their hawk and the hawk died... The babies were crammed in a small container, the size of a shoe box. They didn't have enough room to stand on their back feet, they didn't have enough room to play with each other. These rats didn't even know how to jump and climb... I'm sorry but mills will never be ok.
[justify:xvzd59c5]I totally agree with you Jorats. Snakes are not pets that can show affection towards their owner. They think like predators, not like pets... Any animal like that should NOT be kept as a pet. In fact, if people didn't buy snakes and reptiles, we wouldn't need these mills to exist. Maybe they'd go out of business if there was ever a ban or something on keeping these animals as pets. I mean, it is VERY sad seeing snakes confined behind the glass of a terrarium. I can't imagine that these animals are actually happy to be pets. As for rats and other animals, like hamsters, and cats even! I'm sure they are very content in being a pet... Especially with all the love and attention that good rat owners such as yourself and others on these forums give to their beloved pets. Plus rats can bond, give affection in return, and be very rewarding pets when they end up in goods hands. I don't believe snakes can do this at all. They're better to be left alone in the wild.

As for live feeding, I only meant for certain circumstances (as one person previously said that at the rescue she worked at, the baby raptors were fed live mice so that they would know how to hunt when released into the wild - otherwise they would die of starvation, not knowing how to find food). If there is always the option to feed your pet snake a frozen rat or mouse as opposed to a live one, then I strongly suggest doing that because it's heartbreaking and very unfair to throw a living animal into a tank for some snake to gobble up... A man throws a pit bull into a ring with another dog, and the two are supposed to fight. I bet this dog hates fighting, hates being thrown into that pen with the other dog, but pit bulls also like to please their owners. Even if they're bad owners... But this is illegal. Dog fighting is inhumane and is against the law and people caught doing it can be thrown into prison... I think the same rules should apply when someone throws a helpless mouse into a confined aquarium where it will no doubtedly be caught as live prey for the resident snake... I mean isn't it practically the same thing? Throwing two animals together that don't get along and letting them duke it out? Except the mouse has absolutely no defense on his side...

As for the Science Center scenerio, I understand. And those are the exact conditions that are unsuitable for these loving animals. If ANY animal is under such conditions, then I do believe it is animal neglect, which people should be prosecuted for. Maybe then they would take more steps towards actually CARING for these animals... But I guess for "lab" animals, and breeding for such purposes, that they find ways around the caring of their rodents. "Well we only breed these for our hawks..." or "We only breed these as test subjects..." I really don't care what they're being bred for, any living creature should be treated with love and respect. I'm really inspired right now to start a new drawing; rat scientists housing humans in a 10 gallon tank. I might actually start working on that when I get back from my trip to Nags Head! I just wish there were more people who felt the way that you do. I wish the WORLD could be more like a rat forum and care MORE for these animals as much as we do...

And that's exactly what I'm trying to say about the mills; IF the animals are being taken care of, given proper cages, adequate space, healthy diet, and various other things to take into account, like bedding and socialization with other rats, THEN a rat mill MAY not be so bad... But how many mills ACTUALLY care to put these things in mind for the benefit of the animal? None... Sure this particular guy just happens to be fairly clean and organized with his mill, but the animal's conditions are still not good enough. All that man cares about is making money. He doesn't care about the actual animals. Like I said, they're only in it for the profit, not the good health and welfare of the animals. So no rat mill, or ANY breeding mill for that matter, is GOOD for the animals. Nonetheless, they are still going to exist. But I guess one mill bust after another is always progressive when it comes to getting rid of these types of people and businessness... It would be really nice for someone to start a large business for frozen foods for snakes and reptiles. Where the animals could be well cared for and interacted with up until the day they need to be frozen (which I don't even like that either) but at least if word got out to the public that there is a more humane way to feed your pets, that they'd probably do it... Like if there were rat or rodent commercials advertising frozen feeding, so that more people actually SEE it and realize that "HEY you can do this, and it's much more humane than feeding live animals to your pet!" Like people and ecology... If there is a more ecological means of living, (and if its affordable), people will do it... From using paper bags, to driving hybrids and smartcars, using those ecological washing machines and dryers... etc. I mean, I can't afford these things, but if I could, I'd probably use them if they benefited the health of our environment. But all these environmental friendly things are advertised on television, which is how they have become so popular with the public... Plus buying frozen mice and rats isn't going to cost a pet owner their arm and leg like environmental friendly products can...[/justify:xvzd59c5]
I have no problem with breeding. In my opinion, moderation is the key. Selectively breeding feeder and pet rats (and, actually any animal) is actually quite an admirable goal. Mills are a perfect example of going way over board with breeding. (Responsible) breeders have an over whelming passion for their animals and have an ultimate goal of improving their animal of choice. Mills, on the other hand, exist for one reason and one reason only: profit. There is absolutely no passion or care for the animals. It's all about the money. If their was no money in it for them, people wouldn't have mills. Breeders hardly ever make any money from their animals, yet they continue...that is true passion.

This is a bit of a pet peeve of mine: How can you say that snakes don't love or show affection? Have you ever seen a snake that is being handled properly? Have you ever seen a snake exploring it's newly cleaned enclosure or basking under their heat lamp? True, snakes don't express contentment and affection in the "traditional" way (ie: wagging their tail, purring, etc.) but you can truely tell when a snake (or any reptile) is content and enjoying themself.
What people aren't quite understanding is that the terrible rat mills are hidden, you will never see them online, you barely hear reference to their name, they would NEVER allow a camera inside of it (so this one gives you an idea but is the Palace of ratmills comparatively). They are like Rainbow Exotics from the PETA article. Rats aren't even stock in these places, they are barely things. These rats are being bred for the pet trade and the undesireable colours, markings, etc will be tossed in the container for feeders to be sent to the store. There is no real feeder breeding...the rat languishing in that tank out back of PJ's or whatever chain store has prettier siblings out for display being offered as pets. So rats in rat mills are really all the same.

AS for the Wildlife Centre feeding live chicks to the young raptors...its only until they get the idea and then they go onto F/T. And the staff hate it, they agonize over it. but in this case its not a pet hawk they are feeding, they are trying to get a wild animal back in the wild. Unlike a snake who is stuck in his aquarium with his food dropped on him once a week or so.

The pet rat or 2 that you buy is not what they make their money from...its the hamster cage they tell you that is just fine for 2 rats (the fancy plastic colourful one for $50) and the seed mix with all those dyed colourful bits in it for $5.99 a package, and the salt or mineral wheel they must have ($3.99), and the bedding they sell you (pine for $4.99), and the waterbottle, dish, vitamin supplement (a futher $25.00).

Total that up to almost $90.00, add the SINGLE $10.00 rat and the store just made $100.00. That at will poop and need to eat etc, so you will be back for more later on. :undecided:

So purchasing and supporting a petstore that sells rats is just encouraging them to buy more from those mills.

In the UK it is illegal to feed live animals to reptiles...or to sell them. Why can we not do this here as well? Why do we all have this defeatest attitude that we cannot DO anything, that NOT buying that cute rat in the tank won't do anything? If you are able to turn away from those little individual eyes, you will realize that just maybe some worn out ratmom in a rack somewhere may not have to give birth to another 16 babies (her 6th litter back to back, and she's only a year old). What happens to all those rat moms when they stop giving birth prolifically? We probably do not want to know :(

There is a terrible BIG picture here, and thinking about those little rats in petstores makes my heart ache, but I walk past, I order online, I find places that do not sell animals like stock (Pet Valu, Ren's, etc)...I take in second-hand petstore rats but I do not purchase them, or create openings for some ratmom to fill with her next litter.
uhohsam said:
People are saying that they refuse to buy from stores that sell animals. This includes Petsmart and Petco? Two of the leading pet supply stores in the United States?

Yup... I don't even go in PetSmart anymore. But I am in a good position in that I don't really have to, with quite a few stores in the area that sell pet supplies only. And I honestly don't see much reason to walk in to Petsmart. They don't sell any food I would feed any of my animals, and their toys aren't typically anything special that I can't get somewhere else.
Joanne said:
So feeding frozen is better than feeding live animals, I agree. But how are the frozen rats killed?

there are several methods but you would need to ask on a herp forum about it. They are usually a lot faster and more humane than feeding live, which can be slow, painful and terrifying to the rat.
All of this makes my skin feel far to tight and my heart breaks. There is not one single mill that is even remotely acceptable. Animals bred on scales like that are just pitiful. As a higher order of animal we should be ashamed of what we do to the lesser creatures of this planet :sad3:
[justify:b69xry9d]Nicely put lilspaz. After watching a video linked in a different thread, I realized that I wasn't looking at it from the right perspective... Here I was thinking it's perfectly fine to buy from these pet stores if you're not actually buying the pet itself... But now I understand the most obvious point; it's the supplies that your pet REQUIRES. That's where these stores are getting their profits. Just like you said, you can get a 10$ rat but the cage, food, bedding, other necessary supplies and accessories all add up in the end and THAT is what encourages these stores to buy more animals from these mills... So when time comes for someone to buy a rat on IMPULSE, they go into one of the name brand stores, like Petsmart and Petco, and they buy the cutest furry guy you can find, and then put all their money into a nice cage and all the fun looking accessories and end up paying usually over 100$ for this animal overall... If the stores can tempt us to purchase the animals by keeping them in stock, on display in glass tanks, where animal lovers can walk in, come face to face with it, and instantly fall head over heels for an adorable little rat (because we've all heard those "MUST HAVE" stories)... then quite frankly, they're winning this fight... Seriously, I have changed my mind and I will not support pet stores that supply pets.

If you are able to turn away from those little individual eyes, you will realize that just maybe some worn out ratmom in a rack somewhere may not have to give birth to another 16 babies (her 6th litter back to back, and she's only a year old).

It breaks my heart to read that. It's just something none of us want to believe is true...[/justify:b69xry9d]
uhohsam said:
If you are able to turn away from those little individual eyes, you will realize that just maybe some worn out ratmom in a rack somewhere may not have to give birth to another 16 babies (her 6th litter back to back, and she's only a year old).

It breaks my heart to read that. It's just something none of us want to believe is true...[/justify:32cavlbs]

And yet, I have six wonderful but justifiably hand-shy former serial ratmoms that were rescued from just that kind of a situation, in the back room of a pet store.
A pet store that had a fairly 'good' reputation for its treatment of rats, because they didn't sell live, they sold frozen...

So yeah, support your local rescue, and your local pet supply store that refuses to deal in live animals, if you have one. And if you have a reptile... be careful about your food sourcing. Frozen doesn't necessarily mean cruelty free.
That is horrible!! I agree, it makes me want to rescue every single one of them, :(. I avoid the pet stores for the very reason that I would want to rescue them all. I have a puppy class for my Rhodesian Ridgeback and while I was there for her training I saw this dejected looking, yellow furred, sorry boy black hooded rat and I wanted to cry. I just about asked if I could hold him just to give him so tender attention for once but knew that if he had anything, I would bring it home to my rats, which is not worth it. Breeders or rescues are the way to go. I live in WA and if any of you want to get in touch with some good breeders or rescues, let me know.

~Candaloo and the rat pack
I read through this thread and am glad that so many of you see the damage that breeding does. But can you do me a favor and think of this thread next time your buying meat from the store to eat. Those animals are breed in the same and worse ways...

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TTstinger said:
I read through this thread and am glad that so many of you see the damage that breeding does. But can you do me a favor and think of this thread next time your buying meat from the store to eat. Those animals are breed in the same and worse ways...

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That issue has already been brought up here if you want to check it out....

smilez_n_hugs said:
TTstinger said:
I read through this thread and am glad that so many of you see the damage that breeding does. But can you do me a favor and think of this thread next time your buying meat from the store to eat. Those animals are breed in the same and worse ways...

Mods remove if you find this comment inappropriate

That issue has already been brought up here if you want to check it out....

never meant to bring the issue up, I was just making a comment....

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