Rat attacked by my other boy

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Jun 25, 2020
I have two young rats living together.

THey have been living together for about 4 months and never had any problems.

Today the slightly older boy attacked the smaller one and he has two huge gashes on his lower belly.

I have cleaned the wounds and will continue to.

What do I do now? If I separate them they will be living on their own and Im not sure what to do as far as getting them to get along since literally this morning they were sleeping with each other???


It sounds like hormonal aggression, your best bet is to get the attacker neutered, otherwise you can try and wait to see if he grows out of it but some never do.(hormonal aggression caused attacks aren't typically by choice, it's like a wave of anger or another force making them act out) I would keep the two separate until the aggressor is handled otherwise you risk more wounds
With the injuries being on the lower belly this is definitely hormonal aggression and a serious injury. Bites to the rump or back are dominance and chase bites. Injuries to belly or near genitals are serious meaning to maim or kill. Separate and neuter is best.
I have two young rats living together.

THey have been living together for about 4 months and never had any problems.

Today the slightly older boy attacked the smaller one and he has two huge gashes on his lower belly.

I have cleaned the wounds and will continue to.

What do I do now? If I separate them they will be living on their own and Im not sure what to do as far as getting them to get along since literally this morning they were sleeping with each other???


Do u free feed them or give them feed times often if u free feed them they have control over what they eat and u may find less problems with them fighting but still could cause fights don’t forget it’s normal u only have to worry if they keep fighting and hurting eachother but I wouldn’t worry to much I know when my rats had their first fight I rlly worried if u are worrying get like a smaller cage for when and if they do stay showing signs that they are getting agitated u can desperate them for a little while it also save u get another huge cage
Do u free feed them or give them feed times often if u free feed them they have control over what they eat and u may find less problems with them fighting but still could cause fights don’t forget it’s normal u only have to worry if they keep fighting and hurting eachother but I wouldn’t worry to much I know when my rats had their first fight I rlly worried if u are worrying get like a smaller cage for when and if they do stay showing signs that they are getting agitated u can desperate them for a little while it also save u get another huge cage
Unfortunately this won't solve the problem, hormonal aggression isn't something that you can train out of them and keeping them together is asking for worse injuries and even death. Rats can have their disputes of course but that's not what this is and it's vital they separate them until the aggressor is able to be neutered
The neuter will usually make a huge difference in attitudes. I'd also be careful when handling the aggressor. He can flip like a switch if not handled properly, and do a nasty bite on you. But remember if this happens, just wash it with mild soap really quick, stop the bleeding, put antibiotic ointment on it and take ibuprofen. It's not his fault. And it doesn't mean he will be like this the rest of his life. Unfortunately for him, I'd keep him alone, since he can do this to any rat caged with him.

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