Possible tumor? Advice needed please

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A bit more info to add, the lump is still completely free moving, can get my fingers pretty much right behind it, i very gently pressed the front of it where the scab had fallen off and it felt very soft and yielding, like there may be fluid inside.

I dare not do anything else to it tonight since im still not entirely sure whats going on, i think it'll be a trip to the vets first thing tomorrow, and will see a different one than last time since she didnt seem to have a clue what she was doing.
If it were me, I would get it removed if he's healthy enough. Otherwise the tumour will probably be the reason you need to euthanize him...
I think the best thing to happen here is to get that second opinion which you will since you are seeing a different vet.
It looks very nasty and serious. If he were mine, I'd probably try a removal.
I was totally believing it was just a cyst til I saw the last pictures. Glad I kept my impetuous mouth shut, that doesn't look like any cyst I ever encountered. I'd want antibiotics right away, and take it from there if they helped or not, it would either help or give you a clue.
It's not something we normally see. It being so surface with swelling underneath I'd hope antibiotics would help it all. More worried about the swelling underneath than anything on the surface.
Poor baby, *crosses fingers for him* I'm sure he'll be fine, and they'll remove it safetly. Healing vibes to your boy
Thanks everyone :cuddle:

Thought id post a nice picture of him, resting on my bed a little while ago. My sweet little guy :heart:

Picked him up from the vets about 30mins ago, he's okay, got a huuuge wound but im so happy he made it through. :joy:

Been advised to keep him seperate from his cage mate tonight so he's in the recovery cage with lots of blankets and food, he's already had some banana and a nibble of strawberry :)

I'll post some pics later when he's a bit more awake.

Any tips on caring for a recovering ratty?
Keep him warm as rats can not regulate their body temperature for up to 24 hours after surgery.
Give him tastey soft food such as mushy lab blocks, or baby cereal mixed up with water or ensure or soy infant formula.
Once he is no longer grogy and seems to be feeling ok, he can likely go in with his friends.

Great news that he is doing well :joy:
Other then keeping him comfortable and away from the others for a bit till he's fully recovered or ready enough to see his cage mates, maybe don't handle him too much? Other then that I'd say your doing ok :D can't wait to see him and how he's doing. Did they remove the entire tumor? Do they know if it's benine? So glad he made it through either way :D
Thanks everyone, he's still doing okay, i cooked him some sweet potatoes and veggies for dinner and he's been enjoying those along with his beloved banana! Im going to offer him some cereal a bit later aswell.

He's mostly snuggling up under his fleecy blanket, slowly getting more active, he came out for a cuddle with me earlier but i havnt put him near his cage mate yet incase he gets a bit stressed. Already seen a bit of an improvement in the wounds since he's been home, and he's going back for a check up in the morning.

Some piccies below including the surgery wounds so just a warning to the slightly squeamish!

Banana time!

Battle scars - They removed the large tumor and a smaller one that had started growing on his back.

"Is there more banana mummy?" :heart:

As far as we know it was a benign tumor, i'll get more details of the op from the vet in the morning!

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