Good news!!!! Tanis and I met Dr. Munn who said her eye was much worse, which we knew, and the red tissue is the eye tissue being pushed out by the tumour. We talked about it, and how full of energy and life and just how Lilith was, and I asked if there was any possibility of that tumour being able to be removed. So we discussed that with a normal enucleation, just the globe is removed and all the other tissue is left, but with this we would take it all out. BUT we have to be very prepared that it will be a mess in there and she will be let go on the table. Dr Munn said he would REALLY like to try with Liliith, and me and Tanis burst into grins and high-fived. Yes!!! :joy:
Her exclusive cage was occupied at the time (a hamster) but Dr Munn said the hamster would be booted out so Lilith could have her usual cage. :giggle:
Dr Munn's "day off" is actually tomorrow but he will do her surgery in the morning, and prefers to do his tricky ones at that time on the Wednesday's :bow:
Wish her much luck!!! :heart: :heart: