Toffee needs to be humanely put to sleep because he is suffering horribly โฆ. please see how to have a vet do it - see instructions in our Reference Thread
REFERENCE Thread - Read Only - vets have the gas/oxygen mix used for surgery that will make him unconscious to a surgical level so he does not feel anything, vets have the barbiturate they use to put pets like dogs and cats to sleep โฆ so you just need to find a good caring vet that will follow the instructions and put him to sleep humanely.
I had to have one of my boys put to sleep a few years ago because a tumour blocked his intestines and he could not poop, I also had another boy put to sleep last year because a tumour made it so he could not pee โฆ. I know it is not easy and it is so hard to let go of hope โฆโฆ In March/April I had to have the vet put my 4 elderly girls (4 sisters) to sleep because their medicine for congestive heart failure (2 girls) and for a brain tumour (2 girls) stopped helping them enough and I didn't want them to suffer horribly while they died. I too did not want to do it, but like you and , there was nothing I could do to stop them from dying, all I could do was to stop them from suffering.
If you absolutely can not have Toffee humanely put to sleep, hopefully Lilspaz68 can help you try to reduce the horrible pain and suffering Toffee is going through. Lilspaz68 is extremely knowledgeable although she is not a vet, personally I would trust what she says
I really am so very sorry that this is happening to you and Toffee.