Poop probably dried in colon, bloating. He hasn't slept from 3 days now..๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

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I'm just not strong enough, to do it myself. ๐Ÿ˜ž
I know, but yes you are. I understand the difficulty, but if you can't then you poor boy will suffer greatly. I know home euthanasia is not allowed in this group's discussions, so I can not advise nor talk about it any further. Maybe a pm with SQ might help. But if I absolutely had no other choice, I would do what needed to be done. There are a couple ways that I, personally, could do that are humane, but it's still not easy. I'm sorry
will they put a rat to sleep humanely if you tell them how?
I have had rats here put to sleep by good vets that do not normally treat rats and knew northing about rats โ€ฆ. I was present, and they did what I told them to do
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will they put a rat to sleep humanely if you tell them how?
I have had rats here put to sleep by good vets that do not normally treat rats and knew northing about rats โ€ฆ. I was present, and they did what I told them to do
๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž I don't know if I'm prepared to put him to sleep like this.. I mean.. I can't see him suffer but.. I don't know, my instincts are not allowing me to put him to sleep like that ..๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž
Guys, his stomach has bloated sideways, looks like the image shown for a megacolon in 6 month rat. โ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ What if it's megacolon and treatable?? He isn't flushing out like normal lately.. โ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ megacolon does sometimes happen in elder rats.. right?? What if it's not a tumour. ๐Ÿ˜ž
Do you think it's tumour?? Doesn't look like one..


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It looks like a tumour to me. With MC, the food stops moving through the intestines, the rat bloats up and you can feel the lumps and loops of intestines when you gently feel the abdomen. The only treatable cases of MC are the very mild ones and they go onto a special diet, can never be with other rats again (you can't chance them eating any of their food), and you will have to give them medications to keep their gut going.

Unfortunately you are just going to have to try to keep him comfortable on your own. I'm sorry
It looks like a tumour to me. With MC, the food stops moving through the intestines, the rat bloats up and you can feel the lumps and loops of intestines when you gently feel the abdomen. The only treatable cases of MC are the very mild ones and they go onto a special diet, can never be with other rats again (you can't chance them eating any of their food), and you will have to give them medications to keep their gut going.

Unfortunately you are just going to have to try to keep him comfortable on your own. I'm sorry
๐Ÿ˜” He's crying.. this time it's not porphyrin. I'm sorry for telling you all and making you feel more remorseful and thank you all for your help. โ™ฅ๏ธ I just wish he gets peace now. ๐Ÿ˜”
Toffee needs to be humanely put to sleep because he is suffering horribly โ€ฆ. please see how to have a vet do it - see instructions in our Reference Thread REFERENCE Thread - Read Only - vets have the gas/oxygen mix used for surgery that will make him unconscious to a surgical level so he does not feel anything, vets have the barbiturate they use to put pets like dogs and cats to sleep โ€ฆ so you just need to find a good caring vet that will follow the instructions and put him to sleep humanely.

I had to have one of my boys put to sleep a few years ago because a tumour blocked his intestines and he could not poop, I also had another boy put to sleep last year because a tumour made it so he could not pee โ€ฆ. I know it is not easy and it is so hard to let go of hope โ€ฆโ€ฆ In March/April I had to have the vet put my 4 elderly girls (4 sisters) to sleep because their medicine for congestive heart failure (2 girls) and for a brain tumour (2 girls) stopped helping them enough and I didn't want them to suffer horribly while they died. I too did not want to do it, but like you and , there was nothing I could do to stop them from dying, all I could do was to stop them from suffering.

If you absolutely can not have Toffee humanely put to sleep, hopefully Lilspaz68 can help you try to reduce the horrible pain and suffering Toffee is going through. Lilspaz68 is extremely knowledgeable although she is not a vet, personally I would trust what she says

I really am so very sorry that this is happening to you and Toffee.
Toffee needs to be humanely put to sleep because he is suffering horribly โ€ฆ. please see how to have a vet do it - see instructions in our Reference Thread REFERENCE Thread - Read Only - vets have the gas/oxygen mix used for surgery that will make him unconscious to a surgical level so he does not feel anything, vets have the barbiturate they use to put pets like dogs and cats to sleep โ€ฆ so you just need to find a good caring vet that will follow the instructions and put him to sleep humanely.

I had to have one of my boys put to sleep a few years ago because a tumour blocked his intestines and he could not poop, I also had another boy put to sleep last year because a tumour made it so he could not pee โ€ฆ. I know it is not easy and it is so hard to let go of hope โ€ฆโ€ฆ In March/April I had to have the vet put my 4 elderly girls (4 sisters) to sleep because their medicine for congestive heart failure (2 girls) and for a brain tumour (2 girls) stopped helping them enough and I didn't want them to suffer horribly while they died. I too did not want to do it, but like you and , there was nothing I could do to stop them from dying, all I could do was to stop them from suffering.

If you absolutely can not have Toffee humanely put to sleep, hopefully Lilspaz68 can help you try to reduce the horrible pain and suffering Toffee is going through. Lilspaz68 is extremely knowledgeable although she is not a vet, personally I would trust what she says

I really am so very sorry that this is happening to you and Toffee.
Actually.. I know the vets here ๐Ÿ˜ฃ I've had my friends who put their dogs to sleep and, he doesn't actually give him any anesthesia. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ฃ And, toffee's not eating now, he's just laying here and there, wants to rest on my hands, then after 40 minutes or so.. wants to be alone.. then again.. I guess.. today's the day.. ๐Ÿ˜”
Do your best. If he can still swallow give him ibu and water. If he refuses just leave him alone,don't force it.
I'm so sorry.
He is refusing to eat, he never usually drinks water by himself.. but today he drank a lot just now.. how long would he go like this.. ๐Ÿ˜ž I mean.. I thought he has stopped eating so.. today might be it. But, now I've came to realise that.. rats can actually get along without food for a while ๐Ÿ˜ž๐Ÿ˜ž what do you think..
Thank you so much for all your suggestions. They really kept his pain low. And, He's at peace now. โ™ฅ๏ธ
My Boy's in the high heavens now.
It happened last night.
He was getting restless, roaming around on the bed, I had an intuition that this might be his last day, so.. I kept him on my bed.
He normally goes to the corner to sleep but, last night he was just.. resting his head on my hands and trying to rest. ๐Ÿ˜ž
Then, he ran around all over me, on my pillow, my legs.. so I took him in my arms and told him to rest. He resisted. So I just... Allowed him go and said, Roam around wherever you want, and then, it was morning, around 5:30, my mum came and woke me up, he was there, in my arms again, at peace, in the way he slept normally. โ™ฅ๏ธ
I wanted me to be the last thing he experiences, he didn't let me down.
I've promised him, that I will join him too, he just needs to rest and let go. My Boy's gone.

Thank you again. โ™ฅ๏ธโ™ฅ๏ธ