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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
I am ratsitting.
Poe has been fine until tonight.
I was out for awhile and when I returned he was lying with his head outside of his house.
His head looked like he had a bit of head tilt.
I reached in and petted him. He seemed fine so I thought it was just the way he was lying down.
A bit later I noticed that his movements did not seem normal.

Poe is unable to stand up.
His front end seems twisted to one side.
He can use his front paws to wash his face and his back legs push back when I gentally push on his hind feet.
Poe lies on one side, always the same side and will move into that position when placed in a different position.
Poe is bright eyed, alert and does not seem to be in pain.
Poe is relaxed and does not seem destressed as long as I am holding him.
Poe has gained weight and is very chubby, his breathing seems fine and sounds ok.

I talked to the vet on call who agreed that I should start him on baytril & pred tonight and get him in to see a vet in the am.

Ideas anyone?


Oh man. It was fast? I'd say stroke as well. I agree with the meds as well. I've heard of rats doing a full recovery with strokes. I sure hope this will be the case with Poe.
i was wondering if baytril + clavamox tonight (on the off chance of inner ear infection like his cagemate Emma has - she still has an ear full of pus ...) and hold off on the pred until the am in case the vet wants to give dex instead ... what do you think?
Hello everyone,

Just came back from the vet and it appears Poe had a stroke. He's actually moving much better than earlier! The vet has him on pred. and baytril. I'm also to call the vet the tomorrow to let her know of Poe's progress.

Thank you SQ!
Aww... Poe is one of yours? Rats can make a full recovery from strokes and if it was caught really early I bet he has a good chance.
What does the vet think about his prognosis?
Sending him lots of well wishes!!
jorats said:
Aww... Poe is one of yours? Rats can make a full recovery from strokes and if it was caught really early I bet he has a good chance.
What does the vet think about his prognosis?
Sending him lots of well wishes!!

Thank you Jorats. Yes, Poe is my little guy. The vet is optimistic. She also said that rats can make a full recovery but I'm still keeping my eye on him.
Thank you so much for the well wishes!

It make me happy to say that Poe is much better today! Poe is now moving around (although slowly) and is eating on his own! He is also much more responsive when I call his name and is eagerly taking treats from my hand. What a relief. Hopefully my little guy will remain the trooper he is and make a full recovery!

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