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My Delilah had pneumonia two months ago. We first thought that she had something caught in her throat as she was gasping and barking. After baytril and spending 150.00 she made a full recovery. She wasn't very affectionate before getting sick and now she if FULL of kisses and love!! :heart: Your little one looks just like my Butter Bean. :) Sending you and your husband good thoughts. :cuddle:
:heart: :heart: Butter Bean as a baby :heart: :heart:
Butter Bean

Just saw this Meghan. I hope everything turns out ok and she can get on some better meds. My thoughts are with you! :hugs:

P.S. you spell your name just like my sister meghan does!
-thanks javakittie-
email from Meghan..

Oh my god Shelagh! Dr. Munn is absolutly amazing! If I can help it, I will never go anywhere else again.
The fact that she took time to explain things really meant a lot to both Chuck and I.

She told us she wasn't comfortable doing bloodwork because it was too risky with sedating her. She's certain its an infection of some sort. Possibly something in or around the brain.

So she gave us a combo of Baytril & Doxi (exactly what you said!) and wants us to call her tomorrow with an update.

Thank you so much. I honestly can't tell you how appreciative I am of your support and advice.


:joy: :joy: :joy:
Ella was confirmed to have seizures since she had one at the office...poor sick girl, she's lethargic and not well but at least we know she has a fighting chance. :)

Meghan is eating again!! Woohoo!
I've finally got a free minute to jump online.

Shelagh has done a great job updating on everything. Dr. Munn was amazing. I cannot say enough good things about her.

New update. Ella is eating Cheerios again! Her first non liquid food! Shes even scrounging around for crumbs!
Just wondering. Could it hurt her at all to be eating solids? Not that Cheerios are really solids, but compared to her diet the past day and who knows how long before that, its more solid that Ensure.
Let her have her Cheerios Meghan! She's earned them!!!! :rose:

Let's hope the meds take effect quickly and that Ella fully recovers!

Such a little darling! :love6:
She loves her Cheerios!
I offered her a piece of carrot which she held in her mouth for a couple of seconds, but wasn't interested in it.

My mom and I have put her in her cage with the oxygen and are taking her out once more tonight to give her her meds, then were leaving her alone to sleep. The poor dear. I didn't realize until now that she has barely slept the past 24hrs. My poor little girl needs her beauty and recovery sleep.

I know its silly, but I'm not sure how well I'm going to sleep tonight. On one hand, I'm exhausted. I've slept 2hrs in the past.......40 or so hours. On the other hand, I'm going to constantly be thinking about Ella. Wondering if shes ok. Telling myself not to bug her and to let her sleep.
I'll let you know how shes doing tomorrow.
Hang in there Meghan! :cuddle:

Sleeplessness is something we are all very well acquainted with when it comes to our babies.

Like with any loved one, we are very protective when they are not ok. I can tell you, I saw many a sleepless night when my little Jerry got hurt and then sick. I'm surprised I saw any sleep at all during those first, critical, weeks.

What I used to do was to place myself around the corner from the cage and just listen. I listened for any little painful squeaks or labored breathing. Sometimes I lit a candle so that I could peek into the cage without flooding the boys with light.

Jerry became very affectionate during his illness. It was like he knew that someone was watching out for him.

Your little lady is in the best possible care. You are right that she needs to sleep, but have faith.... she will! Keep things comfy and quiet and she will have everything in her favor for recovery.

She already knows that she is loved. :love6: No better foundation for getting well. :rose:
I am so very glad that Dr. Munn was able to really help you out! She really is a fantastic vet. Keeping little Ella in our thoughts for a full recovery, now that she's got some great treatment.

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