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Jon D

One of my boys *about 5 months* is sick and I dont know what's happening to him!
His sister died in the same way not long ago!!
We woke up and he was just lethargic and drooling, he also looked like he was trying to regurgitate.
We waited it out and then took him to a vet. They couldn't find out what the problem was and gave him some pain meds and anti nausea meds.
He is now worse and his jaw around his teeth has started to swell.
He isn't choking as the swollen jaw and it's been 2 days, the vet said he dosnt have a tumor she could feel, it's not his teeth as he was trying to regurgitate long before the swelling.
His sister died over night once the swelling started and we have no vets in our area that will help us with our rat.
Any ideas???
This is him now
Are you sure he isn't choking on anything? Listen to his lungs with the Rat Phone technique. Basically, this means is you gently pick him up and hold him to your ear and listen to his lungs. Do they sound clear or do they sound congested?

When you say regurgitate, do you mean mouth widening and ears pulling back? That is a sign of choking or inability to breathe. And if it's been a couple of days, the situation is getting quite serious. Is he even eating or drinking at this point, or is he lying around?

Are you sure these vets were rat experienced and could diagnose him? Just because a vet is an exotic vet doesn't necessarily mean they're experienced with rats and can properly diagnose them. Perhaps try calling a rat vet (even if far away) and start asking for advice on what it could be and what to treat it. What meds did they put him on exactly? Names, dosages, etc. Jorats will be able to help you with doses if needed.
Sounds like he was choking. Rats can't vomit, so the drool makes the food soft and helps it to loosen and go down. Lilspaz and SQ can help more. But once he's done choking he will be wore out and sleep a long time.
Please post on the facebook group Real Rat Lovers Want to Know

Like others said it does sound like chocking, but there are other possible causes for drooling
You need to take him in to see a different vet - one that is more knowledgeable about rats
rats can not vomit so I do not understand the anti - nausea med,
Do you know what it was? It may have caused the swelling or he may have an infection

!. What meds is he on?
2. What meds was he given?
3. Is he still drooling?
4. What are the current symptoms?
5. Can he eat and drink?
6. Can you post a video to youtube and put the link on here
7. Is he active?

I messaged Lilspaz68 & Jorats and hopefully they will respond when they wake up as it is the middle of the night
He needs to see a vet knowledgeable about treating rats asap
Alot to respond to but thank you!!!
His ears are back and stuff and hes gaging.
I'll try to get a video.
He isn't really drinking and hasnt been eating at all.
We have been giving him water and juice through a syringe.
He tryed to drink a drop today.
Hes almost unresponsive and laying around alot.
I'll get a pic of the meds and I have no idea the pain meds as they gave him a needle.
I cant find a good rat vet to call anywhere really. I may be searching wrong.
The vet seemed to not know anything.
Did you hold his sides to your ears and listen to his bresthing.? It should be mostly silent. Is he gasping? Or does he just drop his head and pull his ears back and gag? Drooling can be caused by several things, overheating, choking and during seizures. A video would help us most as well as an answer to how his lungs sound.
How is he this morning? This is very strange that his sister died of something similar. How old are they? Were they living together? Could they both have ingested something they shouldn't of? It really does sound like choking. The swelling sounds like an allergic reaction.
I think it is choking. My male rat Bandit has choked on a rice krispy treat, and I gave him yogurt to help ease it out. Try giving him strawberry yogurt on a spoon, and 30 minutes later or a hour or two whatever might be in there hopefully will either come out or get swallowed. GOOD LUCK!
His breathing has no sound really. I did put him to my ear.
He seems a bit better this morning.
They where not caged together.
Hes still not doing great tho.
Maybe hes just tired now but he got it out of he was choking? Hes not eating or drinking much still but he tryed a bit. It seems like his throat may just be really sore and he may be really tired.
I'm not sure but I'll keep this thread up to date incase!
Thank you all so much!
I'm still not %100 sure hes ok yet, but he dosnt look quite as bad.

This is a link to a video.
He isn't doing great again and I dont know why he keeps going back to gagging
We have been feeding him liquid yogurt and water with syringes. Also Gatorade.
We are going to try to get some antibiotics asap for him.
The inside of his paws are getting really red and raw and hes still drooling alot.
He seems very weak
I'll try to get a longer video, he has been like this for a few days now. Can a seizure last that long? Or like come and go that often?

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