Orphaned Starling (nestling stage) found

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The pooping on the neck wasn't so sweet but I forgave him. :giggle:

He's really growing up, guys! This morning when he woke me up with those wonderful vocal cords (GAH) he was just motoring around the cage without having to use his wings for balance. I wonder how they stay in the nest at this age!
I was rolling with that last set of pictures! Bird poo in the morning, nice! I love how then you had a slightly scolding face and then went straight back to adoration. :p He's growin'!!
Momma's freaking out!
My mother sneaked into my room this morning as he was chirping as I was sleeping. Or rather I was sleeping until I heard the floor creaking. She fed him as he stopped his tantrum, but when I pulled myself up to see what exactly had happened, she had gone. And beside his cage I saw a little bowl of food I made for him DAYS AGO that was never refridgerated since then. He has a new batch in the fridge!

Um...any idea how fast I'd see signs of, oh I don't know, bacteria killing my bird? 0.0 He hasn't asked for food in two hours. And that's not normal.
No :( The only way I can get water into him is through more soaked kibble, which he won't take, and it's been 2.5 hours since the initial feeding so something's very wrong. I think if I syringed water right in there he'd drown or something...I'm unfamiliar with bird anatomy but I do remember a site saying I couldn't put water right in his beak. :( I guess it was a silly question from me. :(

I was already stressing about other issues regarding people in this house from last night but I have to say, this bird better not die due to this mistake. I think I'm going a little crazy under this roof. o.o

I'll update in a few hours. : /
Oh Bron!

I'll be thinking about him and you.....

I dont know ... but dont Starlings sometimes grab crap from the garbage? ... so maybe they've adapted to eat junk?
Good thought! I actually have no idea to be honest. But if you've seen that that's really good! He took a piece of kibble just now...only took what, 4 hours? Poor little guy. I swear I'm going to start putting large pieces of furniture in front of my door. -_-
I hope they can, but I have no idea either. Birds are not my thing, other than watching from afar, hehe.

I thiiiink he's okay? Though he's now totally rejecting cat kibble which is unfortunate because that's where all the protein is. I'm giving him pure hard boiled egg bits which is going over well so hopefully he'll drop the grudge. Mum feels awful. She thought it was from a new batch that I simply left overnight. She turned rather pale when I told her I made it last Thursday. She's starting to grow pretty fond of him despite her telling me to leave him on the ground where I found him. I catch her "baby talking" with him and feeding him bits from the dish I keep next to the cage.

Another good thing I forgot to tell you guys...my parents told me how great they think this is, my caring for the bird I mean. I'm rather over the moon about their little speech because I'm one of those kids who absolutely needs parental approval. : / I wish it weren't that way but it is.

When I get back to the farm tonight I'll try and post photos from the baby's adventures in the garden from yesterday. :) Keep your fingers crossed that he's still okay! : x
I know as it relates to parakeets [hehehe] that birds can vomit, but they usually don't. If he did vomit, he would have bits of food all over himself. They can and do regurgitate at will, though. I also 99% remember reading/being told that animals in general are not as prone to getting food poisoning. Something about the way they're all set up. It happens, obviously, but it takes more food and much "less fresh" than it would for us, and usually it's not as serious a problem.

He's probably rejecting the cat kibble because it did make him sick to his stomach. At this point, his mum would be feeding him his staple diet, and he would be entrusting her not to feed him something bad. Mum would know not to eat certain things because of her mum, her mum's mum, so on and so forth. Animals are smart like that. One bad experience is all it can take, especially in wild animals. That's why national parks are so hard core about feeding the wild animals. Only takes one time for them to learn the habit. Anyroad, maybe you can try flavoring the cat kibble with something for a bit? Baby food or something, maybe? Or maybe even crushing up the kibble with the egg.. Wean him back to the kibble sort of thing.
Thanks Javakittie :)
It was originally a mash of kibble and egg and by the end of the day he was so hungry he allowed himself to eat the kibble which is a huge relief. I think he took six at a time! 0.0 It seems he's alright, the poor thing.

Actually, big news for him, he actually FLEW today! :D Well, okay, he gained some height and crashed into a bush. But that's not the point, lol. It's a week early for him but it's very exciting indeed. I was outside with him in the garden and wishing I could see him fly but knew it would be impossible, before he went to his new home. I was taking a ton of photos, naturally, and then he just...took off. His airborne butt made it to a photo. :D So I'll have to upload quite a bit later when I can spend more time in front of the computer.

Assuming the woman is available tomorrow, my mum and I will be taking him to Erin tomorrow as Mum has a few legal documents to take care of in Guelph. (I'm secretly hoping she'll be too busy!)
Godmother said:
That's amazing that he is already testing out his wings! You are now an official birdy mama!!

Now all you have to do is build a starling shaped plane and teach him to fly.

Then we can make a movie out of it

Seriously though, im so glad this little guy found his way to you! :cuddle:
Sweetie, if you haven't seen the film "Fly away home" then you need to see it! It is the story of a young girl who raises baby geese after finding their eggs when the mother is killed.

Ok, so your baby isn't a goose, but the storylines run along the same path!!!!

Leave the little feather butt alone!!! If Woodstock can fly upside down then so can Starr! (That was the name you gave the bird wasn't it????) :laugh4:

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