Senior Member
I don't know much about this, but is putting her in a sink or bowl of warm water an option to try and clean her up? Maybe if you can sit her in there for a few minutes some of the urine will come off
I'd be afraid of water getting in the surgical wound, it just sounds like something you shouldn't do...I don't know much about this, but is putting her in a sink or bowl of warm water an option to try and clean her up? Maybe if you can sit her in there for a few minutes some of the urine will come off
A little update, I don't know how(maybe she yanked earlier and it just now popped), but some of the stitches are gone and it is open in the middle. It also smells bad now, so I'm guessing there is infection. She is currently drinking some ensure, and I'm leaving her alone, I wonder if she figured out a way to get to it with the cone on.
Should I dose her with baytril?
Update: I'm scared to take a picture because I fear that with fighting her and her squirming, more will pop apart.
She is on metacam.I don't think baytril will hurt, that is one of the antibiotics they started Clark on today after cleaning out his neuter site that is infected. Is she still on the pain meds?
EDIT: We also had to remove all liter from his cage so it doesn't get into the open hole, just something to think about it you use liter
She is on metacam.
No litter, only fleece and I spot clean daily to remove all the poops.
She's separated from her cagemates.Is it possible she isn't the one that removed it? Could she have been over groomed by someone else?
I have a sterile solution I was using earlier for the ruptured tumor that was removed.Saline is perfect if you have some that is sterile. Otherwise boil some water with a sprinkle of salt (To help the pH) for 15 min. Let it cool to warm and use a syringe to gently flush it. It is definitely infected. I know rat people here do not condone the use of abx ointment but you have a cone on her...I would keep a light layer on there after you clean it and kill two birds with one stone since it will help with the stinging too (petroleum base). Make sure that it would be OFF her if you let her groom again, which I wouldn't do at this point anyway.
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It's twice a day but I don't know on the volume. I mix my own so I am unfamiliar with standard concentrations.
I wouldn't be concerned about causing an abscess. What is more important is keeping swelling and infection away from the new urethra. If that swells to the point of occluding you will be in a tough spot indeed. You could try honey if you wish. Just put something on the site to keep it from spreading. Remember she will really want to eat it too.
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She is 260g and the concentration is 15mg/ml.What is the concentration of the med and her weight? I can calculate it for you.
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No bedding, only clean fleece. Just removed and replaced all the extra fleece pads she was sitting on. Would that be OK? She is PICAing on cardboard, or still was last night. I don't want to worry about her eating the paper towels, too.sorry I can't help with dosages, but can you remove all bedding from her cage and put in clean paper towels instead?
& change them out frequently.
ETA if you don't have enough paper towels I'd change out the fleece at least once a day. Never let her sit on wet bedding.
I would put a buddy in with her, how long has she been alone?
rats rarely bother the surgery site on another rat
I almost think she'd be better off if you let her clean herself (take of the E collar) even if she messed with stitches
from what I can see, I wouldn't be surprised if the stitches are taken out and perhaps staples put in.
I don't think the vet can use glue now that there's infection.
I don't know that I disagree with the idea of soaking her bottom but I would def call a vet first before I did it.
You don't want to have the water force infection in deeper. I honestly don't know if that can happen, but in this case, I would only trust a vet to know how to handle it