Open Pyometra - Rest in Peace Dipoiios

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I am so sorry, but I don't think you had any other choice. Poor sweetheart was in bad shape. Some rats take a very sudden turn for the worse after losing a sibling.

I hope that you will post some photos of her and her sister and tell us about how you chose her name.

RIP, sweet Dipoilos. :heart:
Godmother said:
I am so sorry, but I don't think you had any other choice. Poor sweetheart was in bad shape. Some rats take a very sudden turn for the worse after losing a sibling.

I hope that you will post some photos of her and her sister and tell us about how you chose her name.

RIP, sweet Dipoilos. :heart:

In the end, it wasn't so much a decision. I knew she was hurting, and I knew she just wanted her sisters back. As much as it tears my heart out to make a call like that, there was no lying to myself about what was best for her.

I took a few pictures of Neon and Dipoiios a few days before Neon passed, and I'll upload them when I can bring myself to go through all of the photos of the Cuddlebunch.

As for her name, I was having a hard time picking for her (as I always like to get to know my pets before I name them; Togan was "NewGuy" for a matter of months) since I could not think of something that suited her. Neon and Zapatta gained their names from songs by a band called "The Knife" that just seemed to fit their personalities. I wanted to name her Kino (after another song by the same band), but for whatever reason, it just didn't really seem very "her". My boyfriend at the time was very good with making up very, erm, unique names, so I asked him to make a little list for me to see if I could gain inspiration. When he wrote down "Dipoiios" I was originally not too fond of it, being that it's nearly impossible for anyone to figure out how to pronounce (Dip-wii-ous), but after a week with that list on my fridge, and no other name seeming to fit her well, it just kind of found her. She's lucky it took within a week or two; her sister Bif was "NoName" for almost 5 months. Even then, Bif was kind of an acronym that my friend (who had been watching them for me) came up with; BF = BrokenFace, from when she had an unfortunate run-in with a balcony door, the "i" was added in to make it more of a "real" name. Long story short, my rat names come from interesting places.
Also, I want to thank you all for your sympathy. I don't know what I would have done without the shackers. The last day or two were extremely difficult, and it really helps to know that there are wonderful, caring individuals who know what I'm going through.
@jorats - I know this is from a very old posting jorats (quote below) - but this evening I found weird discharge from my rattie that was darkish brown/green. I have a feeling it's open pyometra. Did you end up getting your baby spayed? Or after 3 months did it never return? I'm just curious if I will have to go the spay route...I'm so worried. I know pyometra can be dangerous....

thanks so much!

I had a very old girl with pyometra of the stump. It took over 3 months of baytril and it finally cleared. The discharge was also very darkish/brown/green.
I would try her out with your neutered male, you'll be able to tell early on if it's too stressful on her.
@jorats - I know this is from a very old posting jorats (quote below) - but this evening I found weird discharge from my rattie that was darkish brown/green. I have a feeling it's open pyometra. Did you end up getting your baby spayed? Or after 3 months did it never return? I'm just curious if I will have to go the spay route...I'm so worried. I know pyometra can be dangerous....

thanks so much!

That girl was already spayed so it was just the stump. The infection remained small because it had nowhere to go. But if she wasn't spayed, I'd definitely get her spayed for sure. Pyometra is very serious in animals.
Sending lots of healing vibes!!!
I forgot years ago to give an update on this! When I read posts, I always like to know what ended up happening, so I'm leaving this here for future people to see. My rat PANTS (she was the best) got the emergency spay, it was confirmed it was pyometra, it was FILLED with green pus and had I waited one more day my vet said she would've died. So thank you for telling me to get spayed immediately! You saved my rattie Pants' life! After the spay, Pants went on to live another 1.5 years with no other sicknesses! Eventually she passed in her sleep at the age of 2 years and 9 months. :) I'm so thankful for this rattie community.
Pants went on to live another 1.5 years with no other sicknesses! Eventually she passed in her sleep at the age of 2 years and 9 months. :) I'm so thankful for this rattie community.
Sorry for your loss. Did she just pass away yesterday? I hope her memories bring about healing.
Hi! No she passed a few years back. I just wanted to make sure to give an update here so if future rat owners were to read through, they would see the outcome of the surgery and health afterwards. 🥰
Thank you for your kind words!
Hi! No she passed a few years back. I just wanted to make sure to give an update here so if future rat owners were to read through, they would see the outcome of the surgery and health afterwards. 🥰
Thank you for your kind words!
Oh, I see, you're welcome. Thanks for the update, it's a good source of info that certainly can help other members in a lot of ways. Do you still have pet rats?
Oh, I see, you're welcome. Thanks for the update, it's a good source of info that certainly can help other members in a lot of ways. Do you still have pet rats?
I sure do still have rats! 💜☀️💜🐭🐭🐭


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